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LEAH STAYED ON THE couch, only getting up once to go to the bathroom. She didn't really remember what happened. She remembered JJ deciding to do his stupid party trick and Pope finding the boat and them jumping in but the rest was a blur.

She had done what JJ had suggested, keeping it slow. A bump had formed its way onto Leah's head, right in the center where she had bonked her head.

It took JJ longer than the girl thought which was worse because her thoughts came back. She thought about earlier that day, when Kiara took JJs hand. And than she began thinking about the past.

The time where they were all dancing and JJ and Kiara were dancing with each other. Than she thought about the time where Kiara put pink heart shaped glasses on JJ. And all the comments JJ sent to Kiara.

Who could blame JJ? Kiara was beautiful. Her hair fell perfectly, her eyes were brown like coffee, her teeth her perfect shade of white, her curves were perfect, she had a big ass yet a small stomach and Leah on the otherhand was the opposite.

Leah had oily hair that never seemed to look right, Leah's blue eyes were to basic and boring, her ass was too thin, her thighs were too big, her curves were more like rolls filled with so much fat, her stomach was big, and her smile wasn't perfect like Kiara's.

And as some would say it was stupid to compare yourself to your best friend but Leah always felt little around Kiara. She didn't know why. Around Kiara, her few flaws were just silly.

Leah wondered if Kiara compared herself to her, but then Leah thought why would she compare herself to someone with a thin ass, big stomach, and oily hair. And why would JJ like her?

Leah was ridiculous for thinking JJ out of all people, who had girls crawling at his neck left and right would actually like Leah. They were friends and nothing more. Leah was upset at her heart for telling her brain that JJ liked her. What was there to like?

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and JJ, John B, Kiara, and Pope walked through the door. She inhaled as Kiara approached her. "Hey, are you okay?"

Kiara also had a great personality. She was kind, loyal, confident, funny. Everything JJ wanted. Not an ugly insecure girl.

"Yep. Great" Leah said, standing up. She turned to John B. "What took you guys so long?"

"Well, Kiara thought we should report the boat wreck to the coast guards but they were packed with people and wouldn't listen to us." John B explained to her as Leah nodded.

"Did you find anything on the boat?" Leah asked Pope now.

"Yep, John B found a motel key. We were gonna go to the motel but we didn't wanna do it without you" Pope explained to the girl as Leah nodded.

"Well let's go" Leah said, going to walk out the door.

"Wait" JJ pulled her back. She faced him, avoiding eye contact. "Are you sure your okay?" He asked.

Leah kept her eyes on her bracelet, fidgeting with it. "Yep. I'm fine" She answered quickly before looking at the two boys behind her. "Let's go!"

On the ride to the motel, JJ could tell something was up with Leah. She only kept her gaze on her bracelet and the sky and the only people she talked to were Pope and John B.

Leah was currently talking to Pope as he explained what had happened because her memory was still foggy when JJ interrupted them. "Can I talk to Leah?" He asked Pope as if Pope were Leah's father.

Pope nodded, sitting up and going to John B. Leah knew avoiding JJ wouldn't last long, she just hoped it'd last a day or so. JJ sat down next to her, noticing her looking down at her bracelet, fidgeting with it.

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