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THE ENTIRE RIDE HOME Leah couldn't think straight. She kept thinking about JJ. How she fell into those blue eyes. She couldn't avoid him. She wanted him again. She wanted the bond they had once before. But she couldn't have that bond when Kiara existed.

She loves Kiara. But sometimes she wished she were dead. Kiara was perfect, unlike Leah. And JJ liked perfect girls. Not broken ones.

JJ could notice the difference in Leah's behavior. The way she kept her gaze low, picked her nails, the way she seemed not there. It was like somebody took her batteries out. She was just...gone.

Sometimes JJ wished he were Edward Cullen. He wished he could hear everyone's thoughts so he could help Leah with her overthinking. He wished he could read her so maybe he'd help. He felt so...useless.

When they got home Kiara kept talking about how they needed to tell a coast guard about the wreck because the girl believed Karma existed. But JJ wasn't worried about the wreck but more Leah.

She didn't share a word. Leah stood up. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" She left the porch.

JJ stood up a few seconds after. "I'm gonna get a beer. You want one?" JJ asked John B as he shook his head before waiting outside the bathroom door, not making a sound.

Leah knew she used that as a cover up to escape the situation because when JJ heard the door unlock, she didn't hear a toilet flush nor did he hear the sink turn on.

Leah and JJ's nose touched as they were inches apart. "JJ, what are you doing?"

"Are you okay?" JJ asked, looking down to her with concern.

Leah's heart was racing miles per hour. "Mhm..."

"You wash your hands?" JJ asked as he grabbed her wrist, smelling it as she tried to pull her hand back. "You didn't go to the bathroom. Why lie? Why lie, Leah?"

He wanted her to open up about the thoughts that were eating up at her. Leah avoided eye contact so JJ held his hand below her chin, making her look at him. "What are you thinking about?" He then asked.

Leah's heart was racing miles per hour. "I-" She couldn't get the words out. "That night" She breathed out.

"What night?" He knew exactly what night she was talking about. But he wanted to hear her say it.

Leah licked her lips. "You know what night.." She snapped, not wanting to admit it.

JJ fought back a smirk. "Why are you thinking about that night, Leah? What do you want?"

Leah met his eyes. His blue dark eyes. "You know what I want."

God, she was so hot. So innocent yet so evil. "Don't think I do" JJ lied, fighting back a grin.

"I want you." Leah admitted, her heart racing. She was afraid of what he'd think. Would he want her. "But-" She was gonna say that she knew he wanted Kiara but the words were cut off as JJ and her lips met.

His lips tasted like cherries and weed. Such a strong taste of weed it made her instantly high. His lips were like a drug. He led the way, slipping his tongue inside as it twirled around hers, his hand on her cheek, cupping it as she kissed back.

Leah gave in, taking this as a win. She wanted him. Nothing else. She placed her hands on her neck as JJ led her into the bathroom, closing the door behind.

They moved faster than a car during a race. JJ was eager to take off her shorts. Those high-waisted short shorts that were just begging to be ripped off her legs and lie on the floor.

Leah's hands went JJ's shorts, pulling them down to the floor as JJ began kissing her neck, leaving marks all along it, not caring that their friends were waiting as he was too distracted by her.

Leah pushed the boy off as she took off her shirt, revealing her bra. "God, you keep getting hotter and hotter" JJ breathed out as Leah smacked her lips onto his, slipping her tongue inside.

Leah began kissing his neck as JJ began to take off her bra but after a few seconds it was lying on the floor.

She then took off his shirt as she eyed his abs, touching them slightly. Leah looked up at him. "Did you bring protection? Last thing I need is teen pregnancy"

"Of course. You never know" JJ said as took off his boxers and tore the package off with his teeth, putting it on as Leah was still in shock at his size.

JJ then ripped her underwear off her body before pinning her to the bare wall, entering as a loud gasp escaped from her lips. "'s different than how I remember" She muttered, closing her eyes as she couldn't think of anything else but him.

"Better or worse?" JJ asked.

"B-Better" Leah mumbled.

"Good. Got more experience since then" JJ said as Leah let him lead the way.

JJ went slow, not wanting to hurt her or ruin this moment in any way because ever since that night playing truth or dare, he had been waiting to do it again. And deep down as much as Leah tried to convince him she wasn't interested, JJ knew she was trying to convince herself. But she couldn't.

Leah bit down hard on her lip as all worries were gone and the only thought was that JJ was inside her, and she liked it. Her body had been craving for JJ ever since that night she lost her virginity. She hadn't had intercorpse since that night. Nobody else she felt attracted to enough to do that. JJ was the only one. The only one that made her feel safe and not completely werid during sex. And as much as she was afraid to admit it; Leah Davis loved JJ Maybank.

And it wasn't just as friends or as a hookup buddy. She was in love with JJ. Leah wanted to be in a relationship with him, get married, have his kids, live old, and be grandparents. But that was the perfect fairytale every teen girl had to latch onto hope that there was still happiness in this world, but stupid reality existed.

"JJ..." She breathed out. "Don't stop"

Stopping was the last thing on his mind as he kept going, quickening his pace slightly as he thrusted into her. Her pussy was already soaking wet on his dick, taking his size like a champ. They went faster till they both came. They had to hurry and be quiet so their friends wouldn't worry.

JJ threw the condom away and cleaned him and her up before they both quickly got dressed. Leah was slightly confused by the random hookup. Did It mean anything? Were they together? Or was it just a way to please himself before running off with Kiara? She didn't know; and it was eating her alive.

JJ left the bathroom first before Leah followed shortly after. "Yo, what took so long?"

"Yeah you guys disappeared for like fifteen minutes" Kiara added as Leah looked down.

"Anyway, we need to lie low. So thanks to Kiara we are throwing a kegger at the boneyard. Can you hook us up with beer?" Pope asked JJ.

"Fuck yeah" JJ said with a smile. "Let's go!"

Words - 1249
Written - Mar 21th 2024
Published - Mar 21th 2024


Chapter seven published. They did the...thing. I'm not the best at writing smut so please bare with me.

Alot of drama to come...alot.

Have a good day/night

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