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JJ QUICKLY GOT BEER and the pouges were straight on their way towards the boneyard. John B held the kegger and they all got it quickly set up and Leah texted the whole island that pouges were throwing a party at the boneyard.

Neither Leah nor JJ spoke of what had happened in the bathroom as they shared awkward looks.

Each pouge took their turn to serve drinks. It was currently Leah's turn. She was serving to boring ass Tourons. She smiled when she saw one who looked half decent.

He smiled when he saw her. He had a middle-part hair cut that was a little grown out, brown eyes, six foot or taller, and a darling smile that made everyone's eyes go blind when they saw it as it shined like the sun. "Hello, a beer?"

"Of course!" She filled a red cup and handed it to him. "If you want a refill just come to me"

"Hmm, great party already. See you around..."


"Leah. See you around, Leah" He spoke, sending a grin towards the girl as it sucked the air out of her lungs as if his smile was a leaf blower.

Leah ran to JJ who was flirting with girls. It was a hard sight but Leah had other problems to worry about. If JJ wanted to be lame, he can go ahead. She had to remind herself they weren't dating. They were friends. Therefore she had no right to demand him to not speak to any females despite how wrenching it was to watch.

"Cover for me, will you?" Leah asked the boy.

When JJ's eyes met hers all sounds went away. Meeting those blue sparkling eyes, freckles that dusted her face, natural blush, pink lips and shiny white teeth as her eyes pleaded with a yes all he could do was simply say, "Sure"

"Thank you" Leah said before chasing after the random boy as JJ saw the boy as his jaw clenched.

How could she just sleep with him and then go talk with other boys? And how could she see anything in him? Him! His dumb hair, ugly plain brown eyes, and his stupid sight in general.

Leah caught up with him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey! I got off serving drinks. I can hang out if you'd like"

He turned to her. "This party just got alot better. My name is Oliver, by the way. Me and my parents are just visiting OBX. We are from California"

"Wow, that's far. I hope you are liking Outerbanks, Oliver" Leah said with a small smile.

"I am now" He spoke with a smirk.

Leah chuckled. "Let me get myself a beer and we can start hanging out, getting to know each other. I'll be right back" Leah went to where the beers were being served to see JJ with a clenched jaw, his eyes darkening. "Beer, please"

"Really Leah? Him?" JJ complained.

Leah scoffed. "Don't even. We aren't dating, remember" Leah said, grabbing the beer and going back to Oliver and his group of friends.


Leah and Oliver surprisingly had alot in common. And after a few drinks Leah and Oliver began making out. His lips tasted like alcohol with a mix of...pomegranate?

"Don't. It's not worth it" Pope told JJ who was eyeing them the entire party.

JJ sat up, walking towards the two that were practically eating each other's lips as JJ grabbed Leah's wrist. "Let's go" He said, pulling her away.

"Ow, let go!" She pushed himself off him as she grabbed her wrist as he held too hard.

"Leah, I won't ask again"

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