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THE NIGHT SLEEP WAS more comfortable than the girl could ever imagine. The sheets were nice and comfortable, like you were stuck in a bag of marshmallows. She woke up to her alarm that was set for 8:00AM.

She stretched so hard it made her legs shake slightly before crawling out of the comfortable bed she never wanted to leave. She had a slight headache from the night before, reminding her of the events from last night.

There were multiple texts from Kiara, Mrs. Carrera and Pope. She opened Mrs. Carrera's text, knowing it couldn't be as bad as the others.

Mrs. Carrera:
Thank you for letting me know. Kailey just had dinner and is currently brushing her teeth. You don't have to pay me extra

Leah was relived by the response. Maybe the extra money could be used to get her and Kailey pizza! Kailey always wants pizza it's her favorite food.

Leah clicked Pope's response next.

I know the party didn't end well but I wanted to check if you were okay. John B is at home sleeping. JJ did not force me to message you neither. Everything happened so fast and you seemed pretty drunk so I wanted to see if you found a place to stay. Text me when you wake

Leah began replying, the sound effect of her fingers tapping the keys annoying her like a fork on a plate but ignored it.

Crashed at a friend's house. Glad JB is okay 👍

She than opened the last message that she was afraid to open. Kiara's. She knew Kiara would side with them and give her a lecture about Oliver and how stupid she was.

JJ is really sorry about what happened last night. It all happened so fast and we were all under the influence of alcohol. I just hate when you leave. I'm the only girl here. Please come back 🙏 P.S. I'll give you my last blue raspberry jolly rancher if you do

That was tempting. Blue raspberry was her favorite flavor. But she knew JJ wasn't sorry. Kiara just used JJ to guilt trip Leah into coming. This entire text was Kiara's apology, nobody else's.

She left her on read before closing her phone and going downstairs to see if Oliver was awake yet when the smell of eggs and bacon hit her nostrils.

She walked into the nice kitchen to see Oliver cooking bacon and eggs. "Morning. Breakfast will be done in five" Oliver spoke with a smile.

Leah saw the sight and couldn't help but smile. She had never been treated like this before and It made her feel special. "Okay" Leah said and quickly went to the washroom.

By the time she was done two plates were on the table. Leah sat down in front of one. "What would you like to drink? I got water, orange juice, apple juice, milk, almond milk, blue Gatorade, red Gatorade, energy drinks, tea, coffee, mountain dew, cherry Dr. Pepper, and lastly beer"

Leah was shocked by all of the selections. She loved coffee and water but she wasn't feeling neither of those. "OJ please" She said politely.

Oliver nodded, taking the minute made orange juice out and pouring it into a glass before handing it to the girl.

She drank it and instantly could taste that there was pulp in it. Alot of it. She tried to hide her disgust but Oliver could see it didn't meet her satisfactions. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just...prefer no pulp" Leah said kindly, not wanting to complain.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I literally can't have orange juice without pulp" Oliver said as Leah made an upside down smile.

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