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LEAH WOKE ON THE boys bed, her in only her baggy shirt and underwear and the covers covered her body. The sun was peaking through the blinds of the window, lighting up the dark room.

There was no sign of Oliver as she let out a yawn and stretched. She looked around her surroundings, seeing Oliver's dresser, posters, and the white door closed as she got out of bed.

She exited the room and stepped down the stairs, wondering where the boy was when her eyes were covered. "Guess who"

"Hmmm...I wonder. Is it Oliver?" Leah asked.

"Yep!" Oliver spoke as she turned around, her eyes no longer covered and their lips met.

She melted into the kiss as her fingers went to his cheeks, cupping them as his tongue slipped past her teeth, swirling around her tongue. Despite her bad breath, he didn't back down, wanting to have every bit of her and lock her in a cage to access whenever he wanted.

"Hmm" Leah hummed as Oliver placed his hands on her hips, moving him closer to her where she could feel him grow harder and harder. She pulled away.

"I can't. Oliver...we are moving too fast. I don't want this relationship to just be about...that. I want to actually try and make this work. I hope you can understand" Leah said with a small and hopeful smile.

Oliver clenched his jaw before rubbing his mouth. "Uhh...yeah, of course. Your body, your choice." Oliver said. "I need to go to the bathroom" Oliver spoke awkwardly as he walked to the bathroom.

Leah went to the kitchen, seeing a pot of coffee as she poured herself a glass, putting some creamer that she found from the fridge.

"Who are you?" A unfamiliar voice asked as Leah turned to see a woman. She had brunette hair that glowed a light auburn in the sunlight that was in a messy bun, she wore a silk gown, freckles that dusted her face, a tan so dark you'd start to question her race, and her brunette eyes that were like milk chocolate eyeing Leah with weary.

"You must be Oliver's mother. I'm Leah, it's so nice to meet you" Leah spoke so gently, so fragile as she placed on a small smile.

The woman eyed the girl up and down, eyeing her skinny figure, her clothes, her posture, her eye color, her hair, every single thing about her. The girl saw right through her as her eyes narrowed. "Your Emily Davis's daughter"

Leah's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she set the coffee mug on the counter. "You know my mom?" She asked, shocked.

"Yes. Me and her went to highschool together back when I still lived in Colorado. She was a bad girl, full of trouble. I'm assuming your the same, just like her. I can see it in your eyes. I can see the filth, I can see the evilness. No son of mine will be friends with a theif!" She shouted as she slapped the girl across the face. "You exit my home now before I call the police!"

Leah's cheek was a light red as she turned to the woman shocked. "No ma'am you don't understand-"

"Mom what's going on?" Oliver asked. "Oh." He took a breath, "I see you've met Leah"

"Yes. I have. And I want her out. She's stinking up my home. And you...don't even get me started on you, young man" She raised her pointer-finger at her son before shaking her head in disapproval.

The woman turned back to Leah. "Why are you still here?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm leaving now" Leah said as she began to leave the home when Oliver stopped her.

"No. She's staying. Mom, me and Leah are dating." Oliver said. Leah could hear his heartbeat pounding against his ribs as he wiped his palms on his shorts, taking a deep breath of oxygen as he watched his mother with wide eyes.

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