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didn't go with us. These crazy guys shot at us. Luckily nobody was hurt" Kiara was informing Leah on everything that happened so it was like she'd never left while she was making Kailey a PB&J.

Leah's eyes widened. "What? Who?"

"Don't know. But they aren't good I can tell you that much" Kiara spoke as she grabbed a spoon after Leah was done with the peanut butter, dipping the spoon in it and taking a big spoonful of straight peanut butter.

"You are disgusting for that" Leah said, pointing to the spoon as she spreaded the grape jelly on the bread.

"I like peanut butter. But this is different than the peanut butter I use" Kiara said.

"It's creamy peanut butter. Kailey only likes creamy and since in this entire house there is only crunchy I went to the store and bought some things that Kailey likes." Leah explained as Kiara nodded, throwing the spoon into the sink, making a loud clatter sound when it landed.

Kiara licked the peanut butter residue off her lips before grabbing her phone when it buzzed. Her face lit up white from her brightness being high. She looked up at Leah. "Hey Leah, are you still on good terms with JJ?"

"Nope. Awful terms"

"John B?"

"Alright terms"


"Great terms"

Kiara nodded, inhaling deeply. "Would you like to come with us? We found a compass on the boat and apparently it belonged to John B's dad. I'm gonna go to the Château because Pope messaged that he's going insane over it"

Leah looked down at the peanut butter and jelly. "I'm good."

"Okay, can you pretty please cover my shift at the Wreck? You'll get more money" Kiara said in a memorizing tone trying to persuade her to agree.

Leah rolled her eyes. "Of course. Don't forget to fill me in when you come back"

Kiara sent a thumbs up before leaving the home with excitement. Leah picked the plate up and brought it to the living room, placing it on the coffee table as Kailey watched Peabody & Sherman, Toy Story, Lion King, and other children movies all day.

"Thank you, sis" Kailey said, immediately grabbing the sandwich.

Leah turned to Kailey. "Hey umm I have a shift at the Wreck and have to leave. Mrs. Carrera will be here for anything and Hey, maybe when I get my paycheck I can start saving for that Nintendo Switch you've been wanting"

"Really? Can we get Minecraft on it?" Kailey asked the girl.

"Of course, who am I to not buy on of the best games in the world? I'll be back!" She shouted before leaving the home.

She got into her car that was very old. It was her mother's when she was a teenager. She doesn't remember how many times JJ had to fix the engine for her so it'll keep running. It's been through hell and back while looking pretty.

She drove to the Wreck, parking in front of the building. When she entered Mr. Carrera already gave her tasks to do. And asked where his daughter was which she responded with a lie.

The Wreck was very busy today. Almost all the seats were taken and they were understaffed. There were only three waiters and that included Leah.

The girl brought plate and cups over to tables, wiped counters and tables down, taking peoples ordering and even had a kid throw up on her. Today was a great day.

When she had gotten cleaned up from the vomit she turned and saw Oliver entering the restaurant. Their eyes meant as Leah instantly looked away and went to take a new tables order in.

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