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LEAH WAS CURRENTLY working a shift at the Wreck while Mrs. Carrea watched Kailey. Leah was wiping a table when JJ, John B, and Pope walked into the restaurant. "Hey Leah" Pope called out as Leah turned around.

"Uniform looks good on you" JJ complimented as Leah smiled. JJ sat down at the table Leah was cleaning, which John B and Pope also joined the table. "When does your shift end?" JJ asked.

"Two hours" Leah answered when two people walked In. She turned to them. "Hello, Welcome to the Wreck, my name is Leah, can I get you two seated?" She asked, a smile on her face. "Follow me"

After placing the two people down she walked behind the counter, which JJ followed. "Hurricanes today. You coming to John Bs tonight?"

"Why?" Leah asked.

JJ licked his lips. "I've been talking to this girl. And she wants to come by."

For some strange reason Leah tightened her grip on she pen she was holding, adding more pressure, causing ink to explode all over the page. "Damnit" She mumbled.

Leah ripped the page out of the notebook and the other four pages it bled through and grabbed a new pen. "What'd you ask again?"

"Are you sleeping at John B's tomorrow?" JJ asked again

"I can sleep at Kie's" Leah said as Kiara walked in from the kitchen.

"Really? A sleepover?" Kiara asked.

"Hey Kie!" John B called out.

"Yeah, with Kailey joining us" Leah said more like a question, wanting to comfirm if that was okay as Kiara smiled and nodded.

"Sounds fun. Can't wait!" Kiara exclaimed before walking away.

JJ turned back to Leah. "Thank you" JJ said with a nod.

"Of course. I'd love to help you hook up with another whore" Leah said with a fake smile.

JJ smirked, knowing she was jealous. "If your jealous, just say that" He told her before walking back to the rest of the pouges.

Leah inhaled before walking to the two people sitting at a table in the back towards the windows. Perhaps they wanted to look at the beautiful view of the OBX, Leah didn't know, and if she was honest, she didn't care, she just wanted this shift to be over.

"Hi, I will be your server today, can I start you two off with some drinks?" Leah asked.

"Umm yes actually. Can I have a water and she'll have a lemonade" The man said with a polite smile.

"With extra sugar on the side, please?" The lady said more like a question.

Leah wrote it down before smiling. "Of course"

Leah then walked to the back. "I need a water and a lemonade" Leah told the worker before walking back into the actual restaurant.

Kiara was talking to four Kooks wanting to eat. One of them walked over to Leah. Leah remembered him. In Middle School he asked her out to the prom, which Leah turned him down.

"Hey, Leah, it's been awhile, how you been?" He asked kindly. He was the only Kook that actually seemed to be kind.

Leah smiled awkwardly when she saw him. "I'm good, just working. How are you?"

"I'm good" He said. " you ever wanna get a drink sometime? I'd love to catch up" He asked as Leah sighed.

"Look, it has been years but just because it's been awhile doesn't mean I've changed my mind about being with you. And really, I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment and I'd definitely wouldn't wanna be with you. No offense" Leah said as she tried to walk past him but he stopped her.

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