Chapter 1

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Hanni : "Aishh... We've been waiting for her 10 minutes" *We are all at the cafe now waiting for the cat-eyed who hasn't arrived yet*

Danielle : "Maybe she's stuck in traffic. Let's wait 10 minutes more okay ?"

Sumin : "You are so whipped for her Dani" ( Danielle has liked Haerin for 2 years & only we know )

Hyein : "Unnie, when do you want to express your feelings to Haerin unnie ? You have to try, who knows if she likes you too"

Danielle : *I shook my head with a sad smile* "She only thinks of me as a friend & you guys know that she has a crush on a member of the dance club, Yang Jungwon"

Minji : *We looked at Danielle with compassion then we saw 2 people walking towards us*

Yunjin : "Why is he with Haerin ?" *I whispered as I looked at them smiling & holding hands*

Danielle : ( Why did Haerin come with Jungwon ? & Why are they holding hands ? ) *I began to feel restless*

Haerin : "Hi, guys" *I smile* "Sorry for coming late because Jungwon came to my house earlier. Ah, he can join us, right ?"

Hanni : ( Nope ) "Yeah... Have a seat" *I gave him a fake smile*

Minji : "So... Why did Jungwon come to your house ?" *I glanced at Danielle who was looking at Haerin*

Haerin : "Ah, I have something to tell you guys. Actually... Me & Jungwon are dating !" *I smile widely as I showed them our intertwined hands*


They all looked shocked then looked at Danielle with sadness

Danielle : ( T-they are da-dating ? Should I feel happy because the guy she likes also likes her ? Or should I feel sad & hurt because I can't have her ? )

Sumin : "C-Congratulations..." *I said because they were all still shocked & just kept quiet* ( I don't want to say it but they will be offended without any words from us )

Yunjin : "W-wow... I didn't expect that... Congratulations to you both" *I tried to smile*

Hyein : "I'm happy for you both"

Minji : "Good for you both"

Hanni : "Congratulations" *I said without expression*

Haerin : "Thank you guys" *I then looked at Danielle who just kept quiet* "Dani-ah, don't you want to congratulate us ?" *I smile*

Danielle : *I looked at her* ( He is so lucky to be able to see that sweet smile every day ) "C- Congratulations... Finally... You can be w-with the person you l-like... I hope you're happy with him, Haerinie" *I smiled while holding back the tears that were about to fall*

Haerin : *I smile sweetly* "Thank you Dani. I hope one day there will be someone who can truly love you"

Jungwon : "Don't worry. I will always love her & make her happy. I will never hurt her" *I smiled at them as I held my girl's hand*

Danielle : *I smile* "Please take care of my friend & give her the love she deserves. She means a lot us"

Haerin : "Aww... Let's hug guys" *I got up & hugged them* "Let's be friends forever"

Hyein : "No matter what happens, I hope we will stay together"

Haerin : "Of course" *I saw Danielle close her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks* "Why are you crying hmm ?" *I said softly while wiping her tears*

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