Chapter 16

616 46 3

8:37 PM

Danielle : *I took buns, pringles & cookies then went to the fridge to get a drink*

??? : "Can you get me corn silk tea ?"

Danielle  : *I turned to him* "Yang Jungwon ?"

Jungwon : *I smile* "Long time no see, Danielle Marsh"


Danielle : *We sat on the bench in front of the convenience store, eating our snacks in silence* ( I didn't expect to see him again )

Jungwon : *I cleared my throat* "So... How's life in Australia ?"

Danielle : "It's good, calm... I forget my problems by busying myself with study & work"

Jungwon : *I nodded in understanding* "Did you meet Haerin & talk to her ?"

Danielle : "I have met her... Your ex girlfriend is stunning"

Jungwon : *I chuckled* "My ex huh ? I agree with you, that girl can make anyone fall in love with her"

Danielle : *I hummed* "She also told me why you two broke up. I'm sorry" *I looked at him* "It's because of me"

Jungwon : *I shook my head* "I'm the one who should apologize to you. I took her from you who had liked her for a long time. If I knew from the beginning that you liked her, maybe I would have stopped myself from liking her"

Danielle : *I clenched my fists* "You did the right thing. You dare to express your feelings to her while I'm just a coward"

Jungwon : *I looked up at the moon* "You both deserve each other. She really loves you. She's not happy with me when she realizes that she loves you"

Danielle : "During your birthday party, I saw you & Haerin making love" *I said without looking at him as I felt pain remembering that*

Jungwon : *I turned to her then I remembered* "Oh... We didn't do it"

Danielle : *I looked at him with confusion* "I saw you two kissing while going to your room" ( I still remember her moaning under you when you sucked her neck )

Jungwon : "Yeah... But she stopped me. She says it's still early & she's not ready yet"

Danielle : *I was silent after what he told me*

Jungwon : "Do you still love Haerin ?" *I looked at her who looked doubtful*

Danielle : "I... I don't know... Sometimes, my heart beats faster when I'm with her & I feel jealous seeing her with other guy. I... I just don't want to be hurt again" *I looked down*

Jungwon : "You have to be sure of your feelings. You both need each other. Don't be afraid to open your heart to her again" *I stood up & looked at her softly*

Jungwon : "Give her a second chance & get your girl before someone takes her away from you. I'm sorry for everything & I hope you two end up together. Bye Danielle" *I smile & leave*

Danielle : ( Do I love Haerin ? Lately, I've been thinking about her all the time. I want to see her every day & I don't want her to be with Leehan )

Danielle : *I looked at her wallpaper on the phone screen* ( Today we didn't see each other because she went out with Leehan ) "I miss you, Haerin-ah" *I whispered*


Danielle : *I'm standing in front of the house I used to live in* ( The house where we spend time together, study together, play games & sleepovers ) *I insert the key into the padlock & twist it until it opens. I opened the door & went to the living room where we watched movies & played games together*

Haerin : "Dani, are you crying ? Is this story so sad ?"

Danielle : "It's so sad..." *I sobbed* "He loves his friend so much but why does she have to be with that man ?"

Haerin : "He is her crush, of course she chose that guy. Stop crying now" *I wiped her tears*

Danielle : ( Who would have thought that our story is the same as the movie ? ) *Then I went to my room. I went inside & looked at the bed we used to sleep together during sleepovers*

Haerin : "Dani" *She hummed* "I can't sleep"

Danielle : *I turned to face her* "Why can't you sleep ?"

Haerin : "I don't know" *I looked at her* "Can we sleep while hugging ?"

Danielle : *I smile* "Of course. Small spoon or big spoon ?"

Haerin : "Small spoon !" *I hugged her as I snuggled into her neck*

Danielle : "Goodnight & sleep well Haerinie" *I closed my eyes with a smile on my face*

Danielle : *I then opened a box full of photo of me & Haerin. I closed my eyes while recalling what she had said to me*

Haerin : "I always think about you & I feel lonely without you by my side"


Haerin : "I just realized that I fall in love with you"


Haerin : "I don't want you to be with someone else & give your love to them"


Haerin : "I'll make your heart beat again for me & I'll make your love for me to grow again"


Haerin : "I just want to hear you say you love me & my heart only wants you"


Haerin : "Dani, can I... kiss you ?"


Haerin : "I want to fall asleep feeling your arms around me & wake up to your sweet smile"


Jungwon : "You both deserve each other. She really loves you"

Jungwon : "You both need each other. Don't be afraid to open your heart to her again"

Jungwon : "Get your girl before someone takes her away from you"


Haerin : "I love you, Danielle Marsh"


Danielle : *I opened my eyes & placed my hand on my chest as I felt my heart beating fast* "Kang Haerin, I've fallen in love with you again" *I smiled while looking at her photo*


Haerin : *I looked at my room chat with Danielle* ( It's been 2 days since we sent a message & we haven't seen each other for 2 days ) *Then I heard Leehan calling my name* "Yes ?"

Leehan : "I just want to know what your ideal man ?" *I looked at her with a smile*

Haerin : ( Danielle Marsh is my type ) "Hmm... I like someone who always thinks of me, soft spoken, good at cooking, caring & attentive"

Leehan : *I nodded in understanding* ( I'll try to fulfill her types )

Haerin : ( No one in this world can compare to her )

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