Chapter 6

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Jungwon : "Thank you everyone for coming for coming to my birthday party. I also want to thank my girlfriend, please come up here, Love"

Haerin : *Everyone started cheering when I went on stage with a red bandage dress while smiling sweetly at my beloved boyfriend*

Jungwon : *I held her hand while looking at her with a smile* "I want to thank you for coming into my life. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you baby"

Haerin : "I love you too. I can't imagine life without you. You make everything better" *I placed my hand on his broad shoulder & smiled*

Haerin : "Happy birthday to My Prince" *I leaned in to kiss him as we heard cheers & applause* ( I hate to admit it but Danielle's lips are better )

Yunjin : "Thank god Danielle & Wonyoung haven't arrived yet. Otherwise, her heart will be broken by what she sees"

Hyein : "I want Dani unnie & Haerin unnie together but that's impossible. Haerin unnie doesn't have any feelings for Danielle unnie" *I sighed sadly*

Hanni : "I don't mind Daerin or Wonielle, I just want Danielle to have the happiness she deserves" *I said & took a sip of Malbec wine*

Danielle : *Me & Wonyoung walked towards our friends* "Hey, guys" *I noticed that Haerin was not there* "Where's Haerin ?"

Minji : "Probably with her boyfriend. It's his birthday party so maybe they spend time together"

Danielle : "I'll go find her" *I went into the mansion*


Danielle : *I went to the second floor after not finding her on the first floor. Then I saw Haerin. I was about to call her but what I saw made my heart break into pieces*

Jungwon : *I kissed her hard as my hands went down to her hips* "You're so beautiful & hot in this dress baby" *I whispered*

Haerin : *I moaned as he kissed & sucked my neck*

Jungwon : *We entered my room without breaking the kiss. I then laid her on the bed & took off my blazer*

Danielle : *Tears flowed down my cheeks* ( I want to stop him & punch him, but I can't. Seeing her moan his name broke my heart into pieces )

Danielle : *I left there while sobbing* ( I don't want to see the person I love making love with her boyfriend )

Danielle : *I came out of the mansion then bumped into someone making me fall on the floor* ( It hurts so much. My heart is in pain ) *I clutched my chest while crying*

Wonyoung : "Dani ! I'm sorry... Why are you crying ? Are you hurt ?" *I crouched down, looking at her worriedly*

Hanni : "Dani, what happened ?" *I rubbed her back*

Danielle : "Wo-Wony..." *I held on to her clothes while sobbing* "P-Please ta-take me a-away from he-here..."

Wonyoung : *I cupped her cheek* "I'll take you away from here, okay ?" *She nodded. I helped her get up and then looked at the other* "I'll take Danielle home"

Minji : "Call us if you need anything"

Wonyoung : *I nodded then took Danielle's hand & went to her car*

Hyein : "Seeing Dani unnie cry makes me want to cry. I hope Dani unnie is okay"

Yunjin : *I turned to them* "Should we go home ?"

Sumin : "Yeah, I don't even want to come here" *We went to our car & headed home*


Wonyoung : *I parked Danielle's car in the garage then looked at her who was already asleep. I caressed her cheek* ( You're crying because of Haerin, right ? What do you see Dani ? )

Wonyoung : ( You'll only get hurt If you keep loving her. You need to find your happiness ) *I carried her on my back & entered the house. I took her into the bedroom & gently laid her on the bed*

Danielle : "I'm tired of being hurt all the time. I can't take the pain you give me anymore. I'm tired of loving you for 2 years. How can I get rid of this feeling, Haerin-ah ?" *I murmured in my sleep as tears rolled down my cheeks*

Wonyoung : *I wiped her tears* "You need to let her go & you have to accept the fact that you & her will not be together. So, move on from her & start your life without any pain & sadness anymore" *I whispered*

Wonyoung : *I fixed her blanket then kissed her forehead* "Good night Dani. I hope you sleep well" *I turned off the light & left the room*

8:17 AM

Danielle : *I woke up with the sun rays coming through the window, hitting my face. I sat on the bed then remembered about last night* "Don't cry Dani... Your eyes are going to be swollen"

Danielle : *I sighed then I heard the sound of cooking equipment in the kitchen* "Who came to my house at this time ?" *I left the room & went to the kitchen* "Wonyoung ?"

Wonyoung : *I turned to Danielle* "Good morning Dani" *I smile* "I cook scrambled eggs & lasagna"

Danielle : "Do you... Sleep at my house ?" *I looked at her while sitting on a chair at the dining table*

Wonyoung : "Yes, I sleep in the living room. I don't want you to have a bad dream" *I turned off the gas & put the scrambled eggs on the plate then approached Danielle* "Did you sleep well ?" *I sat in front of her*

Danielle : "Not really" *I sighed* "I had a dream that me & Haerin were dating & when I woke up, the memory of last night came to my mind"

Wonyoung : *I looked at her* "Do you want to tell me ?"

Danielle : *I ate a spoonful of lasagna* "I saw them both making love in Jungwon's room"

Wonyoung : "M-Make love ?" *She nodded while munching on the lasagna* ( Gosh... That hurt so much )

Danielle : "I'm tired, Wony... I love her but all I get is pain & heartbreak. I'm tired of crying because of her..."

Danielle : "I want to be happy & loved by someone. I've tried to move on, but my heart is stubbornly holding on to her" *I sobbed*

Wonyoung : *I got up from my seat & went over to Danielle to comfort her* "Sometimes, the person you can't forget is the one you should let go of"

Wonyoung : "Forget someone doesn't appreciate the love you have to offer. Your heart deserves better" *I said softly as I rubbed her back* "Don't hold on to someone who continuously hurts you"

Wonyoung : "It's better to move on rather than loving someone who constanly breaks your heart. It might be painful to let go, but remember that you deserve happiness and that starts with removing her from your heart"

Wonyoung : *I broke the hug & wiped her tears* "You may not be able to forget her completely, but with time, the memories will fade and the pain will lessen"

Danielle : *I looked at her* ( She's right. I'll only get hurt if I keep loving her ) "Wony, can you take me away from Korea ?"

Danielle : "I want to move on from her. I don't want to hope that one day she will love me"

Wonyoung : *I smile* "Alright. I'll help you to move on. We will go to Australia & live there, okay ?"

Danielle : *I nodded & hugged her* ( I let you go, Haerin-ah... I know you'll be happy with him because he's your happiness. I will see you again after I move on from you & after my love for you is gone )

Just be with Wony, Dani-ah 😔

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