Chapter 5

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Danielle : *I was waiting for Haerin to finish class* ( Today I asked Haerin out. I begged her & finally she agreed )

Sumin : "Dani" *I walked towards her while dragging Haerin with me*

Haerin : "Sumin unnie, can you let go of my hand ?" *I said with irritation*

Sumin : "Nope. You can't make her wait for you" *I let go of her hand as soon as we were in front of Danielle*

Danielle : "Hi, Sumin unnie" *I smile* "Where are the others ?"

Sumin : "Minji & Hanni have a 'friends' date. Yunjin with her guitar practice & I'm going home" *I smile* "You two have fun, okay ? Bye" *I bid them goodbye & left*

Haerin : ( Does she think this is a romantic date ? ) *Then I heard Danielle speak with a smile*

Danielle : "Should we go now ?" *She nodded then walked ahead while I followed her from behind*


Danielle : *We just kept quiet while I drove to the cafe. I glanced at Haerin who was looking at the window* "Erm... Is it okay with Jungwon you go out with me ?"

Haerin : *I hummed* "After all, He's busy preparing for his birthday party tomorrow. He told you all to come & please tell it to your GIRLFRIEND too" *I said with irritation at the words 'your girlfriend'*

Danielle : *I looked at her with confusion* "She's not my girlfriend. Did you ship me with Wonyoung ?"

Haerin : *I shrugged as I looked out the window* "They even ship you both with the name Wonielle & Danyoungz"

Danielle : "She's pretty & kind, but we're just friends" *I said while focusing on driving*

Haerin : "Friends can be lovers too" *I turned to her as she parked the car*

Danielle : "Hae---" *She already got out of the car & entered the cafe. I sighed before opened the door & followed her*


Haerin : *I sat at the table by the window* "I want---"

Danielle : "Cappuccino. Do you think I don't know your favorite ? I'm going to order, okay ?" *I smile & go to the counter*

Haerin : *I noticed the counter attendant flirting with Danielle but she just smiled* ( There are many girls who want her but she only loves me )

Haerin : *Then I saw her touch Danielle's hand when she wanted to pay* ( I want to slap that girl in the face for flirting with Danielle. I don't know why but I feel pissed off )

Danielle : *I approached Haerin with Cappuccino & Americano as I saw her glaring at me* "W-Why are you glaring at me ?"

Haerin : "The girl at the counter tried to seduce you & you just let her ?"

Danielle : *I sat in front of her* "Ah, I don't want to be rude to her"

Haerin : *I saw the waiter put a piece of red velvet cake on the table and then left* "Did you order this ?" *I looked at her*

Danielle : "Yup. You always order red velvet cake when we come to the cafe so..." *I pushed the plate of red velvet cake at her* "Eat it" *I smiled as she started eating*

Haerin : *I was eating when I saw her looking at me* "D-Don't watch me eat. A-Are you not eating ?"

Danielle : "Watching you eat has made me full" *I smiled sweetly at her*

Haerin : *I looked away with a flushed face* ( Since when did she become like this ? & Why does it make my heart skip a beat ? )

5:36 PM

Haerin : *Danielle stopped the car in front of my house then I heard my phone ring. I answered the call with a smile* "Hello baby, I miss you too. Yup, I've reached home"

Danielle : *I listened to their conversation as I gripped the steering wheel of the car*

Haerin : "Okay baby. bye, love you too" *I ended the call & turned to Danielle when I heard her speak*

Danielle : "You two really can't stay away from each other. Love you too huh ? What do you like about him ?" *I looked at her* "His kisses ?"

Haerin : *I gulp when I saw her serious look* "W-What nonsense are you talking about ?"

Danielle : "Is he good at kissing ? Does it drive you crazy when he kisses you ?"

Haerin : ( Shit... She looks so hot--- )
"Y-Yes ! H-He is so good at kissing & no one c-can beat him !"

Danielle : *I clenched my jaw as she tried to avoid looking at me* "Let's see" *I removed the seat belt then leaned into her & pressed my lips to hers*

Haerin : *My eyes widened as she glared at me* ( Is this really the innocent Dani ? Seeing this side of her made me feel something )

Danielle : *I then bit her lower lip gently making her open her mouth. I quickly slipped my tongue to explore her mouth* ( Don't hold back your moaning Hae. I know you like it )

Haerin : ( Don't moan Haerin. I won't admit that I like her kiss. When she kissed me, I could feel the electric shock in my body )

Haerin : ( I don't know what came over me making I kissed her back. It's just... So addictive ) *I pulled her neck to deepen the kiss*

Danielle : *I was shocked when Haerin responded to my kiss* ( I know I'm the winner ) *We enjoyed the kiss untill we lost breath making us break the kiss*

Haerin : *We looked at each other with flushed faces while catching our breath* ( I don't know what happened to me that made me like her lips & her kiss )

Danielle : ( Kang Haerin, you drive me crazy ! ) *Then I heard the phone ring making us break eye contact. I took a deep breath before answering the call* "He-Hello Wonyoung-ah... A-Are you done with your practice ?"

Wonyoung : "Yeah... But why do you sound like you just finished running ?"

Danielle : *I laughed nervously* "Y-Yes, it's been a while since I exercised so... Yeah..." *I looked at Haerin who was fixing her lipstick*

Wonyoung : "I see. Can you come pick me up at the university ? If you're not busy"

Danielle : *I glanced at Haerin* "S-Sure. I'm on the way"

Wonyoung : "Thank you Dani ! I'll in front of the fence"

Danielle : "Don't. Just wait for me inside. It's dangerous for you to wait in front of the fence at this time. I'm coming now. Bye" *I hung up the call then looked at Haerin who was clearing her throat*

Haerin : "I went inside first. Your GIRLFRIEND is waiting for you" *I opened the door & turned to her* "Thank you for today" *I got out of the car & closed the door*

Danielle : *I saw her enter the house* "I already said Wonyoung is not my girlfriend. Haishhh... She's like a girlfriend who gets jealous when I'm with Wonyoung"

Haerin : *I slammed the room door then buried my head in the pillow* ( I can still feel her lips on me... ) *I touched my lips as I thought about the kiss that gave me butterflies in my stomach* "Gosh... Stop thinking about that, Kang Haerin ! She's your friend & you already have a boyfriend !"

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