Chapter 15

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Haerin : *I sat on the bed while wiping my hair with a towel. Then I took my phone on the table & opened it* "Messages from Dani ? *I read it & was shocked*

Haerin  : "She went to my work to pick me up ? Oh god..." *I quickly called her* "Hello Dani, did you come pick me up ? Sorry for not reading your message because my phone ran out of battery. I'm really sorry" *I said with guilt*

Danielle : "It's okay... After all, I didn't pick you up because... I have something to do..."

Haerin : "Ah, okay" ( Thank goodness she didn't see me with Leehan. I don't want her to misunderstand )

Danielle : "So... Did you go home by taxi ?"

Haerin : *I gulped* "Y-Yeah... I w-went h-home by taxi..." ( It feels like I'm cheating on her or something ) *I cleared my throat* "Urm... What are you doing now ?"

Danielle : "I'm getting ready for bed. You also need to rest & sleep enough"

Haerin : *I smiled because she cared about me* "I miss you... A day without seeing you, my life is incomplete"

Danielle : "Me too... I miss you so much. Let's go out tomorrow"

Haerin : "Okay !" *I smiled* "Then, I'll end the call first. Good night Dani"

Danielle : "Good night too Kitty & sleep well, bye"

Haerin : *I lay on the bed & closed my eyes with a smile on my face*

Danielle : *I put my phone on the table & massage my temple* ( Why didn't she say that she was with Leehan ? Why did you lie, Kang Haerin ? ) *I got up from the bed & took the car keys then left the bedroom*

Wonyoung : *I opened the door & was shocked to see Danielle* "Dani, why do you come here in the middle of the night ?"

Danielle : "I... Can't sleep..." *I looked down playing with the hem of my sweater* "Can I... Sleep with you ?"

Wonyoung : *I smiled looking at her pouting. I opened the door wide for her to enter* "Come in"

Danielle : *I looked at her & smiled* "Thank you Wony" *I went inside & she closed the door*


Wonyoung : "You always go out with Haerin" *I looked at Danielle with a pouted*

Danielle : "Aigoo... Is that why you want to go out with me today with Haerin hmm ?" *She nodded, still pouting & it made me smile*

Danielle : "I'm sorry that I rarely go out with you. Tomorrow, let's go out. Just the two of us, okay ?"

Wonyoung : "Promise ? If not, don't talk to me & don't see me again"

Danielle : "I promise & don't say that" *I pouted* "I don't want my best friend to ignore me"

Wonyoung : ( Friend... I have to work hard to make her fall in love with me )

Haerin : "Dani--- Oh, Wonyoung ?" ( Did she come with Dani ? )

Danielle : "Hi, Hae---" *My smile faded when I saw Leehan with her* ( Why is he with Haerin ? )

Wonyoung : ( Who is that guy ? Why does Dani look like she doesn't like him ? )

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