Chapter 10

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Yunjin : "It's been a while since we went on vacation, right ? The last time was 2 years ago"

Sumin : "Since Dani & Wony are back, Should we go on vacation ?" *I looked at them who nodded in agreement*

Hanni : "Yeah ! Where should we go ? Daegu ? Jeonju ? Daejeon ? Paju ? & How many days ?"

Minji : "Calm down honey..." *I chuckled* "You're too enthusiastic"

Hanni : *I pouted* "Of course I'm excited... It's our first vacation as a couple" *She smiled at me*

Danielle : "How about Jeju ? We can go there for 3 days & 2 nights"

Yunjin : "Okay, when should we go ? I'll book a hotel with a swimming pool" *I opened my iPhone & started looking for fancy hotels*

Hanni : "Hmm... How about this Saturday ?" *I looked at them & they agreed* "Alright, we're going on vacation in Jeju this Saturday !"

Haerin : "I can't wait to spend time with you" *I whispered in Danielle's ear*

Danielle : "Y-Yeah... M-Me too..." ( I can feel her breath in my ear ! )

Haerin : *I glanced at Wonyoung who was looking at me & Danielle* ( The way she looks & smiles at Danielle, I know she likes her )

Wonyoung : *I looked at Haerin who was talking to Danielle* ( Kang Haerin, I will keep an eye on you )


Haerin : *We arrived at my house then I turned to her with a smile* "Thank you for taking me to dinner at the restaurant"

Danielle : "Anytime" *I smile* "Ah, I have something for you"

Haerin : "What is it ?" *I saw her take a paper bag that was in the back seat & give it to me*

Danielle : "Your birthday was a week ago, right ? That's your gift from me. Happy late birthday Hae" *I smile sweetly*

Haerin : "Thank you Dani-ah" *I smiled & wanted to hug her but I don't want to make her uncomfortable*

Danielle : *I opened my arms with a smile* "Don't you want to hug me hmm ?"

Haerin : *I smiled & took off the seat belt then go into her arms. I closed my eyes as I breathed in her scent that I liked*

Danielle : *I caressed her hair* "I hope you like my gift"

Haerin : "Whatever you give me, I like it. You're the one who knows me very well"

Danielle : *I broke the hug & looked at her* "You know, when I look at you, I see perfection. It never fails to make me stunned by your beauty"

Haerin : *I blushed* ( I could die if she always made my heart beat faster ) *I then froze & my heart beat 2 times faster with what she did*

Danielle : *I brought our foreheads together as our noses brushed against each other* "I just want to be the one who makes your heart beat fast & makes you blush" *I whispered as my eyes closed*

Haerin : *I stared at her* "Dani" *She hummed* "Can I... Kiss you ?"

*Dub, Dub, Dub*

Danielle : *I opened my eyes & we looked at each other. I closed my eyes again & slowly pressed my lips on her. We stayed a few seconds before she started moving her lips*

Haerin : *We kissed softly* ( The kiss that I miss ) *We broke the kiss & looked into each other's eyes*

Danielle : ( I can't believe that I can feel her soft lips again & I can feel her love for me through the kiss ) *I caressed her cheek & smiled* "Go inside"

Haerin : *I touched her hand that was on my cheek* "See you tomorrow & drive carefully" *I said softly as she nodded & she took her hand off my cheek*

Haerin : *I looked at her car that drove away from here then I walked into my house with a smile on my face*


Danielle : *I stopped the car on the side of the road & leaned back on the car seat with a sigh* "Why doesn't my heart beat faster when we kiss ? Why don't I feel butterflies when we make eye contact ?"

Danielle : *I put my hand on my chest* "She loves me & how can tell her that I love her too when I don't feel anything for her ?! Why didn't I fall in love with her ?! Why Dani ?!" *I clutched my shirt while sobbing*

Danielle : "I'm sorry Haerinie... I don't know why this heart doesn't want me to love you again. I'm sorry..." *I cried*


Minji : "Stop crying & go to sleep. Everything is going to be okay. Alright, good night too" *I hung up with a sigh*

Hanni : *I climbed on the bed & looked at my girlfriend as I leaned against the headboard* "Who's calling ?"

Minji : "Dani calls & asks why she can't fall in love with Haerin. She's ready to love Haerin again, but her heart felt otherwise. She cried while telling that" *I said as we lay down*

Hanni : *I rested my head on Minji's chest as I hugged her* "I feel sad for both of them. I really hope that Dani's love for Haerin will grow again. I want them together"

Minji : "Me too. Let's sleep now" *I closed my eyes & kissed the top of her head* "Good night Pham Pham"

Hanni : "Good night too Love" *I kissed her cheek & closed my eyes*

Haerin really needs to seduce Danielle (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

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