Chapter 17

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Danielle : *I opened the door of my condo* "Minji unnie ? Hyeinie ? Come in" *We went to the living room & sat on the couch* "The others didn't come ? &... Minji unnie, why do you look upset ?"

Hyein : "She's not in the mood because she fought with Hanni unnie. So I brought her here to take you out & to make Minji unnie happy"

Danielle : "Ooh..." *I then leaned on Hyein & whispered* "Why are they fighting ?"

Hyein : "A misunderstanding about their ex crush" *I whispered back* "Now, go get ready. Ah, is Wonyoung unnie busy ?"

Danielle : "She went to work" *I got up from the couch & went to my room to change*

Minji : *I crossed my arms while gritting my teeth* "That guy makes me pissed off"

Hyein : *I shook my head* ( A romance full of drama )


Yunjin : "What do you want Hanni ? Bag ? Clothes ? Accessory ? Makeup ?" *We were at the mall to cheep up our friend who had a fight with her girlfriend, Minji*

Hanni : "I don't want anything. I just want her to apologize to me" *I said while crossed my arms*

Sumin : "You two need to talk & resolve this misunderstanding well. You both need to apologize to each other"

Haerin : *While they were advising Hanni, I saw three people who were in the Chanel store. My eyes are focused on the girl I haven't seen for 3 days* "Minji unnie, Dani & Hyein are here"

Sumin : "Where ?" *I looked around & saw them* "Let's go to them" *I pulled Hanni's arm while Yujin & Haerin following us*

Hanni : "Yah, Sumin ! Let me go ! *I said while being pulled by her*

Sumin : "Nope. Don't try to run away from your problems. Hey, guys"

Hyein : *I turned to them & smiled* "You guys shopping here too ?"

Danielle & Haerin : *We make eye contact while feeling happy & longing*

Yunjin : "Since you guys are here, Dani & Haerin" *I called them making them both turn to me* "You both persuade the couple until they solve their problems. Me, Sumin & Hyein want to go shopping. Bye"

Danielle : "So... How do we make them talk to each other ?" *I asked Haerin as we looked at Bbangsaz who didn't even look at each other*

Haerin : "Minji unnie, Hanni unnie. Let's go to the cafe ?" *I smile*


Danielle : "Unnie, feed each other that cheese cake. Like a couple do"

Haerin : "Like this, aaa~" *Danielle open her mouth & I fed her red velvet cake*

Minji & Hanni : ( I won't do that. I'm still mad at her ) *We tried our best not to look at each other*

Danielle : "They are very stubborn to apologize" *I sighed*

Haerin : "Yeah... Unnie, can't you two just apologize ? It's not that hard"

Danielle : "Then, you both can't do this" *I kissed Haerin's cheek*

Minji & Hanni : *Our eyes widened* ( What the... It's like they have done it before ! )

Haerin : *My face flushed* ( Really ? In front of them ? )

Danielle : *I drink Cappuccino while feeling butterflies in my stomach*


Danielle : "Unnie, don't be like this. Can you stop being ego & just apologize to Hanni unnie ?"

Minji : "When I remember her ex crush texting her, it's makes me irritated, angry & uneasy. What if she breaks up with me & be with him ?" *I bit my lip* "What if---"

Danielle : "Unnie" *I put my hand on her shoulder & look into her eyes* "You love Hanni unnie so much, right ?"

Minji : "I... I love her more than anything"

Danielle : *I smile* "Then, solve your misunderstanding & apologize to each other, okay ? Don't lose her just because of a third person, understand ?"

Minji : *I nodded & smiled* "Thanks Dani. Now, I need to talk to her"

Hanni : "Haerin, can you give me a ride to my house ? Please~"

Minji : "Let's go home, to our house & we need to resolve this misunderstanding" *I hold her hand* "Bye Dani, Haerin. Thanks for today"

Haerin : "Finally, they want to resolve their misunderstanding" *Danielle nodded then I looked at her* "Urmm... Are you going home ?"

Danielle : ( We haven't seen each other for 3 days so I want to spend time with her ) "Do you want to go---" *I was cut off by the ringing of my phone. I took out my phone & saw Wonyoung calling*

Danielle : "Wait a minute" *I said to Haerin & answered the call* "Hello, Wonyoung-ah"

Haerin : *I looked away* ( Why is she always bothering us ? This girl is so clingy )

Danielle : "Pick you up ?" *I glanced at Haerin who seemed to be listening to our conversation* ( It seems like today we can't spend time together ) "A-Alright... I'm coming, bye" *I hung up*

Haerin : *I looked at her who looked at me with guilt. I sighed* "Just go... Maybe we can go out next time" *I try to smile* ( I don't like seeing her with Wonyoung, but I'm not her girlfriend to stop Wonyoung from being close to her )

Danielle : "I'm really sorry Haerinie. I promise, next time I will take you to the place you want to go, okay ?"

Haerin : "Okay. Then, I'll go home now" *I looked at her*

Danielle : "Message me when you get home"

Haerin : "Okay, my Dani. Bye" *I smile & get in the car*

Danielle : ( My Dani hmm... Yup, I'm your Dani ) *I smile*

Tomorrow I will be sixteen !

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