Chapter 14

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Haerin : "We will play bowling ?" *Leehan nodded* "But me & Danielle have never played it"

Leehan : "Don't worry, me & Taesan will teach you both how to play bowling. Let's divide the team. I'll team up with Haerin & Danielle team up with Taesan, okay ?"

Danielle : ( I wish I was good at bowling so I could team up with Haerin ) *I looked at Haerin who was taught by Leehan*

Taesan : "He looks very happy with her. I've never seen him smile like that"

Danielle : *I looked at him* "Has your friend ever been on a date ?"

Taesan : "Never. I was so shocked when he said he was friends with a girl. He always smiles when talking about your friend. So, I think he likes her"

Danielle : *I clenched my jaw* ( He likes Haerin ? )


Leehan : "Wow... It's your first time playing bowling but you're so good at it" *I smiled at Haerin who managed to get a strike*

Haerin : *I high five with him* "I think I found my new talent" *I smile*

Taesan : "Their score is ahead of us. I admit they're really good" *I smiled looking at Leehan & Haerin*

Danielle : *I tried to ease the pain in my finger* ( I should stretch my fingers first before playing ) *I then looked at Haerin who looked happy*

Taesan : "Danielle, it's your turn. Make it strike, okay ?" *I give her encouragement*

Danielle : *I put my thumb, ring finger & middle finger into the ball hole. I bent my knee a bit then shot it at the bowling pins & it only hit 4 pins. I sighed in frustration*

Taesan : "You're doing your best Danielle" *I gave her a smile* "So don't feel disappointed, okay ?"

Haerin : *I looked at Danielle who looked unhappy* ( Is she okay ? It was like just the three of us having fun )



Danielle : *I took a drink from the vending machine*

Leehan : "Urm... Danielle. Can I ask you something ?"

Danielle : *I looked at him* "Yeah... What is it ?"

Leehan : "Does Haerin has a boyfriend ? Well, she's pretty, kind, cute..."

Danielle : *I looked at him seriously* "Are you interested in my friend ?"

Leehan : *I scratched my head & nodded shyly* "I want to know her more"

Danielle : *I clutched the drink I was holding* "She doesn't have a boyfriend but... There's someone in her heart" *I said & left him*

Leehan : "Did she mean... Haerin likes someone ?"

Danielle : *I approached Haerin & Taesan who were sitting at a table & gave Haerin the strawberry drink that I had already opened* "For you Haerinie"

Haerin : "Thank you Dani" *I smile & drink it*

Leehan : *I placed 2 drinks on the table* "Me & Taesan are going to buy food. What you guys want ?"

Haerin : "I want burger"

Danielle : "Me too"

Taesan : "2 burgers, alright. Let's go Donghyun" *I wrapped my arm around his shoulder as we went to buy food*

Danielle : *I sat on the chair beside Haerin* "You're so good at bowling" *I looked at her*

Haerin : *I chuckled* "I didn't even expect to get a strike" *Then I took something in my sling bag & gave it to her* "I noticed that you always massage your fingers. Luckily in my bag I have medicinal oil & plaster"

Danielle : ( She knows my fingers hurt ? ) "Thank you Hae" *I was about to take it but she stopped me*

Haerin : "Let me do it" *I poured some medicated oil on a cotton ball & then applied it to her sore finger* "You need to be careful next time"

Danielle : *I stared at her who was wrapping a plaster on my finger* "Pretty" *I whispered*

Haerin : *I heard what she said because of the close distance between us. I looked up & made eye contact with her*

*Dub, Dub, Dub*

Haerin : *Then I saw Leehan & Taesan coming here. I quickly retreated & sat comfortably on the chair* ( Did she say I'm pretty ? )

Taesan : "This is your food" *I put the food tray on the table*

Danielle & Haerin : "Thanks for the food"

Leehan : *I smiled* "You're welcome. Let's eat"


Leehan : "Thanks for going out with us. I hope we can go out again" *I looked at Haerin with a smiled*

Taesan : "Just the two of you go out. You two can get to know each other" *I smiled at Leehan & Haerin*

Danielle : ( Get to know each other as friends. Not more than that )

Haerin : "We go first. Thank you for today" *I bid them goodbye then get in the car with Danielle*


Danielle : *I stopped the car & looked at her* "Are you going to work tomorrow ?"

Haerin : *I nodded* "My work ends at 8 PM"

Danielle : "Okay" ( I'll pick her up after work )

Haerin : "Then, I'm going inside now. Thanks for accompanying me out with them"

Danielle : "No problem. See you tomorrow" *She nodded with a smiled then got out of the car. I lean back on the seat & put my hand on my chest*

Danielle : ( I could feel my heart beating fast when our eyes met at such a close distance. Am I'm going to fall in love with her ? )

7:56 PM

Danielle : *I was waiting for Haerin in the car while looking for her figure when my phone rang* "Hello Wony ? What is it ?"

Wonyoung : "Want to go out for dinner ? This time, it's my turn to pay"

Danielle : "Urm... Sorry Wony. I went to dinner with Haerin. Next time, okay ?" *I then saw Haerin coming out of the main door*

Danielle : "I need to end the call. Sorry again Wony" *I hang up & got out of the car with a smile. I was about to walk towards her but I stopped when I saw someone approaching Haerin*

Leehan : "Hi, Haerin" *I smiled while she was shocked to see me*

Haerin : "Leehan ? What are you doing here ? & How do you know I work here ?"

Leehan : *I chuckled* "Did you forget that I sent you a message asking where you work ? I want to take you out for dinner. After that, I will send you home. Please ?"

Haerin : ( He came here just to take me out for dinner. If I reject him, he will definitely be sad ) "Okay"

Leehan : *I smiled sweetly* "I'll take you to a nice restaurant" *We walked towards my car while talking*

Danielle : *I watched them leave with a heartache* ( Does she not know that I will pick her up ? Did she not read my messages ? ) *I clenched the hem of my hoodie as I felt pang in my heart

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