Chapter 2

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Danielle : ( Many people comes to the bar to have fun but not with me. I came here to forget what happened at Minji unnie's house ) *I play with an empty glass*  "What does he have that makes Haerin like him ? What don't I have ? Why is it so hard to have you ?"

Danielle : "Sir, I want another bottle of whiskey" *I said drunkenly*

Bartender : "But Miss, you're already drunk"

Danielle : "I'm not drunk" *I whined* "You don't know the feeling of heartbreak. It hurts so much"

Bartender : "Miss, give me your phone. I need to call someone to take you home"

Danielle : "Aishhh... Okay dad" *I gave him my phone then rested my head on the table & closed my eyes* "Good night~" *I mumble then fell asleep*

Bartender : *I opened her phone & saw a pretty girl as her wallpaper* "Is this the girl who broke her heart ?" *I opened the message & looked for the girl's name on her wallpaper to call*


Bartender : *I was cleaning the table when I saw a pretty girl wearing a Newjeans hoodie walking towards me* "Ah, I thought you wouldn't come because your friend said you two had a fight"

Haerin : *I smile a little* "She's still my friend so I care about her" *Then I looked at Danielle who was already asleep* "How many bottles did she drink ?"

Bartender : "Just 1 bottle. She odered 1 more bottle but I stopped her because she was already drunk"

Haerin : *I took some money out of my purse & gave it to him* "Thank you for calling me" *I put Danielle's left arm around my shoulder & my right hand wrapped around her waist then lead her out of there*


Haerin : *I was trying to open the door of Danielle house when I heard her voice* "I will take you to the bedroom"

Danielle : "Hmm... Haerin ? Is this you ?" *I poked her cheek* "I want to apologize about this evening"

Haerin : "I'm sorry too for not having time with you" *I opened the bedroom door & brought her inside*

Danielle : *She laid me on the bed then I pulled her arm making her lay on top of me. She looks shocked but I don't care. I just looked at her beautiful face that was hit by the moonlight* ( she's so perfect. Even in the dark & without make up, she still looks beautiful )

Danielle : "You know, every time I close my eyes, I see your face. Every day I think about you. I don't want anyone else to touch you or hold you, because I'm the only one who deserves to do that. I want to be the one to make you smile every single day" *I whisper*

Haerin : "Da-Dani" *Then I felt her arms around my waist*

Danielle : "I love you Haerin-ah" *I looked into her eyes* "I love you so much. I love you unconditionally, but you were to busy loving someone else"

Haerin : *My eyes wide open* "W-what ?" ( Da-Danielle... L-love me ? )

Danielle : "All I ever wanted was your love, but you gave it to someone else. It hurts to know that you don't love me back, but it hurts even more to pretend that I don't love you" *I said softly*

Danielle : "I don't regret loving you, but I do regret how much I let you hurt me. I'm tired of being the one who always gets hurt" *I cupped her cheek as tears rolled down my cheeks* "All I want is to be loved by you, please love me back. Please let me love you, Haerin-ah. I promise to make you happy"

Haerin : "Da-Danielle... You are drunk & you need to rest now" *I said & tried to get away from her*

Danielle : "Only is this situation I can express my love to you" *I then looked at her soft lips* "I'm jealous of him because he can feel those soft lips"

Haerin : *I felt soft lips on my lips. Before I pulled back, she started moving her lips & I feel her warm tongue slip into my mouth* ( I could taste the whiskey she was drinking )

Danielle : *I pulled her waist closer to me* ( Her lips make me lose control ) *Our kiss became aggressive & we felt the air getting hotter*

Haerin : ( This is wrong. She's my friend ) *I opened my eyes & broke the kiss then I got up from her as my heart was pounding due to loss of breath. I looked at Danielle who was already asleep*

Haerin : *I closed the door of her bedroom while thinking about what just happened* ( I thought I was her friend, how can she fall in love with me ? It was so shocking )


Danielle : ( I regret drinking last night... My head feels throbbing & dizzy... What happened last night, I remember everything. I remember I expressed my feelings to Haerin & we kissed. More precisely I kissed her. Gosh... I must make her feel uncomfortable & she must hate me now )

Danielle : ( I have to apologize to her & I hope our friendship doesn't end ) *Then I saw Haerin with Jungwon at the locker* ( She is so beautiful dressed in uniform with tie & skirt ) *I felt like I was being strangled when I saw them kissing*

Haerin : *I glanced at Danielle who was looking at us. I wrapped my arms around Jungwon's neck & our kiss became aggressive*

Danielle : ( Why... She seems to like his kiss ? Is it so good that you moan into the kiss ? ) *I clutched the hem of my jacket while holding back my tears then my arm was pulled by someone, pulling me away from there*

Wonyoung : "Don't look. It will only make your heart hurt"

Danielle : "Wonyoung... How..." *She wiped my tears that I don't know since when they fell*

Wonyoung : "I saw you looking at them kissing then I saw tears falling down your cheeks. It's okay. Not everyone can like us. Is that guy the one you like ?"

Danielle : "I love his girlfriend... & she's my friend" *I said in a low tone*

Wonyoung : *I looked at her in shock* "That's... Sucks. Fall in love with a friend who already has a lover"

Danielle : "How about you ? Have you ever fallen in love ?"

Wonyoung : *I chuckled* "Yup. I have had many ex boyfriends. I broke up with them because I was no longer interested in men"

Danielle : ( A beautiful girl like her is not interested in men ? I didn't expect it. Haerin must be straight ) *I sighed*

Wonyoung : "If you feel tired chasing her love, you need to move on & find your happiness. You deserve to be loved" *I looked at her softly*

Danielle : *I sighed* "It's so hard to move on from her. She was my first love. It hurts to see her with someone else but what can I do ? I'm just her FRIEND"

Wonyoung : *I wanted to comfort her when I heard the bell ring* "See you in English class Dani. Bye" *I smile & was about to leave*

Danielle : "Wonyoung" *She turned to me* "Do you want to eat with us at the cafeteria later ? I will introduce my friends to you" *I smile*

Wonyoung : "I would love to" *I smiled back then walked away from there*

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