Chapter 8

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8:21 AM

Wonyoung : *I approached someone who was cooking* "Wow, it smells good. As expected from chef Marsh"

Danielle : *I chuckled before putting the tonkatsu on the plate* "It's my first time cooking for them so I hope they like it" *I smiled as I placed the tonkatsu on the table arranged with plates, spoons & dishes*

Wonyoung : *I looked at her who was smiling* ( It's good to see her smiling again ) "You look happy"

Danielle : "Of course. I haven't seen them in a long time. I miss them so much" *Then we heard the bell ring* "They have arrived" *My smile widened as I walked towards the door*

Hyein : *I hugged her as soon as the door was opened* "Dani unnie !"

Danielle : *I hugged her back* "You're getting taller, Hyein-ah"

Hanni : "You have no idea how much we miss you" *I patted her head*

Danielle : *I hugged them one by one* "I miss you all too. That's why we both came back to Korea"

Sumin : *I placed my hand on Wonyoung's shoulder as I was mesmerized by her beauty* "Wonyoung-ah, are you an angel ? Why are you so beautiful, huh ?"

Wonyoung : *I chuckled* "Thank you unnie & you're beautiful too"

Yunjin : "So... Are you two dating ?" *I tease Wonielle*

Danielle : "Aishhh... We're just friends, unnie. Stop shipping us"

Yunjin : *I laughed* "That's good because someone will get your love back" *I mumbled*

Minji : "I smell something good & it makes me hungry"

Wonyoung : "Dani cooks breakfast for you all" *I said while taking them to the dining table*

Hyein : "Woah ! Just looking at it I already know it's delicious"

Danielle : "Take a seat" *I sat next to Wonyoung* "You all must be hungry. So, Let's eat"

Sumin : *We all started eating. I take tonkatsu & eat* "Mmm... It's so delicious !" *I give Danielle a thumbs up*

Minji : *I nodded while chewing* "With your cooking skills, you should open a restaurant. I'm sure it will be famous"

Hyein : "I agree. I'll be your number one customer" *I take Crispy Baked Buffalo Wings & eat*

Danielle : *I smile watching them eat* "I'm glad you all like it. Eat more"

Yunjin : *I took a sip of orange juice & noticed Danielle looking at the empty chair next to Hyein* "Haerin has work so she can't come. But we haven't told her that you two are back"

Hanni : "If she knew, she would definitely not to go to work today" ( She will be happy to see you again )

Danielle : "I see..." *I smile a bit* ( She must be getting prettier. I miss her so much )

Minji : "Yup. She's getting prettier & many men chased her but she doesn't even look at them because her heart & love is only for you. She fell in love with you Dani" *I looked at her*

Sumin : "She regrets & always cries hoping you will come back to her. I feel sad seeing her every day blaming herself & saying that she misses you"

Danielle : *I looked at my plate* ( She loves me... I'm sorry for making you cry Haerin-ah... & I miss you too... So much )


Haerin : *I'm standing in front of Danielle's house where she used to lived* "She will definitely not come back because I hurt her so much. She might have found someone who can give her the love she deserves"

Haerin : "She has moved on from you Haerin" *I clutched at the hem of my sweater then turned around. My body froze as I looked at someone standing in front of me*

Haerin : ( Is this real ? She was in front of me with the smile I missed. Maybe I just miss her so much that I hallucinate seeing her )

Danielle : "Hi, Haerinie" *I smiled looking at her shocked face* ( I miss this girl so much )

Haerin : "Da-Dani ?" *Tears flowed down my cheeks* ( She's back ) *I went to her arms & hugged her tightly*

Danielle : *I slowly hugged her who was crying* ( My heart no longer beats fast when I'm near her. Seems like I've moved on from her ) *I smiled while stroking her back*

8:10 PM

Haerin : *I looked around Danielle's condo then my eyes shifted to Danielle who was cooking* ( I still can't believe that she's in front of me. Seeing her makes my heart beat faster )

Danielle : *I turned around & saw Haerin looking at me* "Oh, let's sit Haerinie. I cook your favorite food, Chicken Parmesan Spaghetti"

Haerin : *I sat on the chair as she sat in front of me* "You still remember my favorite"

Danielle : *I smile* "I will never forget what you like. Let's eat now" *I looked at her who took the fork & started to taste my cooking* "How is it ?"

Haerin : *I chewed as I nodded my head* "Your cooking is leveling up. It's so delicious"

Danielle : "That's good" *I smiled widely as I watched her eat*

Haerin : *I noticed she was looking at me* "W-Why are you l-looking at me ?" ( It's not good for my heart )

Danielle : "Because a beautiful angel is in front of me" *I said while smiling sweetly*

Haerin : *I covered my mouth as I coughed with my face flushed* ( It makes my heart flutter )

Danielle : "Are you okay Hae ?" *I got up & went to her while giving her a glass of water* "Drink this"

Haerin : *I drank the water she gave me then placed the glass on the table* "T-Thank you..." *I then looked into her eyes who looked at me worriedly*

Haerin : ( Those eyes... That mesmerized me & those soft lips... It drew me in to taste them ) *I gulped while looking at her lips* "I miss you..." *My gaze shifted to her beautiful eyes*

Haerin : "I thought I would never see you again. When you left me, I feel like something in me is missing. I always think about you & I feel lonely without you by my side"

Haerin : "The longer I think about you, the feelings of longing & loves starts to grow. Then I realized that I fell in love with you. I blame myself for hurting you" *I sobbed*

Haerin : "I'm sorry Dani... I know I'm shameless in wanting you back but please, don't walk away from me. I don't want you to be with someone else because love you Dani"

Danielle : *I wiped her tears & looked at her softly* "But my heart doesn't beat for you anymore. My love for you is gone..."

Haerin : "T-Then, let me make your heart beat again for me & I'll make your love for me grow back" *I held on to her hoodie with tears flowed down my cheeks* "P-Please give me a chance to have you back. Please..."

Danielle : ( Should I give her a chance to win my love ? Can she make me fall in love with her again ? ) "Alright" *I said softly*

Danielle : "I want to see what you're going to do to make me fall in love with you again. But... If it doesn't work, you can stop, okay ?"

Haerin : *I hugged her while crying happily* "Thank you so much Dani for giving me a chance & don't worry because I'll make sure that you'll fall in love with me" *I smiled sweetly as she hugged me back*

I only have Daerin after Winrina... No more Winrina 💔😭
Reading their stories & watching their videos is not the same anymore 💔

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