Chapter 7

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Hanni : *I hugged Danielle* "Take care of yourself & don't forget us"

Danielle : *I chuckled* "It's impossible for me to forget all of you who are always with me" *I broke the hug & looked at them* "Please don't be mad at Haerin & please look after her. She's our friend too"

Minji : "Alright. Always call us, okay ?" *I patted her shoulder*

Hyein : "I'll miss you, unnie" *I pouted as she stroked my head with a smile*

Danielle : "I'll miss you all too. Let's meet again in the future, okay ?" *I smile at them & they nod*

Sumin : "Wonyoung, thank you for accompanying Danielle to Australia. You take care of yourself too, okay ?"

Wonyoung : *I smile* "No problem & I'll take care of myself"

Danielle : "Alright, We have to go. I'll call when I get there. Thank you for everything & I love you guys" *I smile sweetly at them*

Yunjin : "We love you too ! See you again, Wonielle !" *We waved our hands at them*

Minji : *I took Hanni into my arms* "We'll see them again"

Hanni : *I sobbed in her arms* "I feel relieved that she finally wanted to move on from Haerin. I can't bear to see her crying & have a heartbreak"

Sumin : "She always smiles even when she's in pain. Danielle is to be loved, not to be hurt"

Hyein : "If I were Haerin unnie, I would regret wasting someone as sincere as Dani unnie"

Yunjin : "I'm so disappointed in Haerin but we can't force her to love Dani"

Minji : "Should we go to my house & watch a movie ?" *They nodded & we left the airport*


Haerin : *I was watching a drama while eating ramen when I got a message from Danielle*

~Dani 🌻~

DANIELLE : [ Hi, Haerinie. I just want to tell you that I went to Australia & lived there. I'm sorry because I didn't meet you to say goodbye ]

DANIELLE : [ I don't want to intterupt your time with your boyfriend. Also thank you for being my friend for 5 years. When I see you, I'm reminded that beauty truly exists in this world ]

DANIELLE : [ Your beauty is a magnet that keeps drawing me closer to you. I'll move on from you, Haerin-ah... It's hard... But I'll try. I know Jungwon can make you happy & give you everything ]

DANIELLE : [ Goodbye Haerinie. Please take care of yourself because I'm not with you anymore ]

Haerin : *I feel tears falling down my cheeks* ( Why does my heart feel heavy for her to leave me ? Am I not going to see her anymore ? )

Jungwon : "Baby ? Why are you crying ?" *I held her hand while looking at her softly*

Haerin : "A-Ah, t-the drama is so sad..." *I tried to smile while wiping my tears* ( You'll come back, right ? I'm sorry for hurting you & rejecting your love so many times Dani-ah... )


Haerin : ( It's been 2 years & now I'm 21 years old. Even though we're busy with work, we're still hanging out together ) *I put on my coat & grab the car keys before leaving the house. I got in the car then drove to the cafe*

Haerin : ( But we miss someone who is meaningful to us. Someone who is  always with me... & Someone who loves me sincerely... Yes, Danielle Marsh )

Haerin : ( After she left, I regretted hurting her & rejecting her love. Then it hit me that I fell in love with her. I realized my feelings too late & I regret not being able to tell her that I love her too )

Haerin : *I parked the car & turned off the engine. I got out of the car & went into the cafe* ( I miss her so much... I'll wait for her. When that day comes, I won't let her go & I'll tell her I love her so much )

Hyein : "Kang Haerin has come. Wow, why are you getting prettier huh ?"

Haerin : *I chuckled as I sat next to her* "You're also pretty Hyein-ah" *I then looked at Minji unnie who was feeding the cake to her girlfriend* "I heard you two started living together ?"

Hanni : "Yup, it's easy for me to know if she brings any girl to her house" *Then Minji pinched my cheek gently* "Sorry baby" *I pouted*

Minji : "I don't want to be far away from her so I told her to stay at my house & she was very happy" *I looked at my girlfriend who smiled sweetly at me*

Sumin : "Our second couple is so sweet & cute. I envy you both"

Yunjin : "Then, find someone who makes your heart beat fast & loves you completely" *I said & she pouted*

Sumin : "No one can make me fall in love. I wish there was someone like Danielle" *I said making them quiet*

Haerin : ( This is all my fault. I hurt her with my words, I made her cry, I broke her heart. I'm truly sorry for any pain that I've caused... Please come back Dani... We miss you so much... ) *I held back my tears from falling*

Haerin : *I held Haerin's hand & looked at her softly* "Don't blame yourself. She has a kind heart that easily forgives someone. Let's wait for her, okay ?"

Haerin : *I nodded as Hyein wiped my tears with tissue* ( I promise to always love you, to always be there for you and to never let you go again. Please come back to me Dani... )

Minji : *I looked at Haerin as they tried to comfort her* ( This is what I'm afraid of. What if Danielle has moved on from Haerin, while Haerin started to love Danielle )

8:10 PM

Haerin : *I sat on a bench & looked at the river* "How are you ? Have you moved on from me ? If so, I'll make your heart beat faster for me again & I'll get your love back"

Haerin : "I'll show my love to you. You're the one I turn to for comfort & the one who always knows how to make me smile. I want to hold you in my arms and never let you leave"

Haerin : *I clutched on my clothes as tears rolled down my cheeks* "Missing you is my heart's way of reminding me how much you mean to me. I miss your presence, your touch and your comforting words"

Haerin : "I miss the way you make me laugh, the way you hold me, the way you love me. Please come back to me, Dani" *I sobbed* "I'm so sorry. I know I hurt you, but please come back to me"

Haerin : "I promise, I won't hurt you anymore. I just want you... I miss you & I love you" *I was crying then someone sat beside me & give me a handkerchief. I looked at him who looked at me softly* "Ju-Jungwon..."

Jungwon : *I took her in my arms & rubbed her back* "Just let it go... Tears are the silent speakers of what you feel"

Haerin : *I sobbed in his arms as I clutched on to his hoodie* ( My heart aches every day because I can't hug her & tell her how much I love her )

??? : *I looked at the two of them from afar then I heard my phone ringing. I glanced at them before walked away while answering the call* "Hello Wony"

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