Chapter 9

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Danielle : "I went to my house & Haerin was there" *Wonyoung looked at me when she heard what I said* "So I brought her to my condo & we had dinner together"

Wonyoung : "Then, what do you feel when you meet her ? Does it make your heart beat fast ?"

Danielle : *I shook my head & looked at the Americano I ordered* "I don't feel anything for her anymore & I think I've moved on from her"

Wonyoung : "That's good. What are you two talking about ?"

Danielle : "She apologized for hurting me & told me how much she missed me. She told me she loved me &..." *I looked at her who was drinking Creamy Chocolate Frappe* "She wants me to give her a chance to make me fall in love with her again"

Wonyoung : *I spit out the Creamy Chocolate Frappe I was drinking & coughed*

Danielle : "Drink well" *I gave her a tissue & she took it to wipe her mouth*

Wonyoung : "T-Then, what did you tell her ? You didn't give her a chance, did you ?" *I looked at her*

Danielle : "Urm..." *I avoided looking at her serious look* "I gave her a chance to make me fall in love with her..." *Before she could speak, I cut her off* "& if I don't fall in love with her, I tell her to stop"

Wonyoung : "Why ? What if she hurts you again ? I hate seeing you having a heartbreak"

Danielle : "I know you're worried about me but trust me. I just can't see her cry because of me & I can see the honesty in her eyes when she says she loves me"

Wonyoung : *I sighed as she caressed my hand with her puppy eyes* "Alright... Just be careful. I don't want you to be hurt because of her again"

Danielle : *I smile sweetly* "Okay Miss Jang & thank you"

Wonyoung : *I smiled a bit & intertwined our hands*


Danielle : *I knocked on the door of Haerin's house then she opened it. I froze seeing her in a bathrobe*

Haerin : "Come in, Dani" *She went inside & went to living room. I sat on the couch in front of her* "I just finished taking a shower & my hair still wet so I hope you don't mind'

Danielle : "I-It's fine" *I gave her a smile as I tried to only look her in the eyes* ( It was the first time I saw in her in a bathrobe )

Haerin : "Urmm... Do you want a drink ? I'll make it"

Danielle : "Ah, no need. I already had a drink with Wonyoung at the cafe"

Haerin : ( Ah... I forgot about her ) "How is she ?"

Danielle : "She's doing all right & I'm so grateful to have her with me in Australia" *I smile*

Haerin : "I see... I'll go get ready" *I got up & headed to my room*

Danielle : *I took a deep breath* "Gosh... Her with wet hair & in a bathrobe... I'm thankful that I've moved on from her"

Danielle : *I looked around & saw a picture of me & Haerin on the wall* "She still has our pictures"

Haerin : *I approached Danielle, dressed in short sleeves polo with a vest & pleated mini skirt* "Should we go now ?"

Danielle : *I looked at her in astonishment* "Y-Yeah... Let's go" *I got up from the couch & we headed to the door. I let her out first then followed her before closing the door*


Haerin : *After we went to the Cinema, we went to Hangang Park* "How's your life in Australia ?"

Danielle : "It's fascinating. After I finished my studies, I worked in a restaurant for 7 months before returning to Seoul"

Danielle : "There's an ice cream shop... Do you want it ?" *I looked at her. She nodded & we went to the ice cream shop*


Danielle : *I walked towards Haerin who was sitting at a table & gave her a strawberry ice cream before I sat down next to her*

Haerin : "Thank you" *I smile & eat my strawberry ice cream* "When we go to Haeundae Beach, Jungwon says you exchanged ice cream with him because you said I don't like mint choco"

Danielle : *I hummed* "I feel irritated. As your boyfriend, he needs to know what you like & dislike. Speaking of him, how is he doing ?"

Haerin : "He's doing well & we have broken up 1 year ago"

Danielle : *I turned to her* "Really ? Why ?"

Haerin : "Because I realize that I love you & I don't feel anything anymore when he says 'I love you' or when he kisses me"

Haerin : *I looked at her softly* "My heart wants you & you hold the key of my heart"

Danielle : ( I was moved by what she said but doesn't it make my heart beat faster or feel the butterflies in my stomach ? ) *I broke eye contact & continued eating my ice cream* "I see..."

Haerin : ( I'll win your love & make you mine ) *I stared at her*


Haerin : *I was talking to Hyein when someone greeted me. I looked up at him* "Oh ? You're the one who paid for my coffee, right ?"

??? : "Yeah, we meet again" *I smile* "My name is Leehan"

Haerin : "I'm Haerin. Since we meet again, I'll pay back the coffee you paid for me that day" *I said & was about to take out my wallet*

Leehan : *I chuckled* "You don't have to. I sincerely paid for it"

Haerin : *I shook my head* "If you don't want a money, I can repay with anything you want"

Leehan : "You still want to pay back ?" *She nodded & I smiled* "If so, can I have your number ?" *I gave her my phone*

Haerin : "My number ? Ah, okay" *I gave him back the phone after entering my number*

Leehan  : "Thank you, Haerin-shi" *I put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans* "See you next time & have a nice day" *I smiled at her & left the cafe with the Frappuccino I bought*

Haerin : *I turned to Hyein who raised her eyebrows at me* "What ? Why are you looking at me like that ?"

Hyein : "I'll tell Dani unnie you gave your number to a guy"

Haerin : "It's not like he asked me out on a date. After all, I'm not interested in men anymore"

Hyein : "That's good. Our Haerin unnie has changed her tastes from being attracted to men to being attracted to girls"

Haerin : "How's your love life ? Do you like someone ?"

Hyein : "Nope. Maybe after you & Dani unnie get married, I'll start looking for a lover" *I smirked at her who was blushing* ( Maybe Haerin unnie needs to seduce Dani unnie to make her fall in love )

Let's start the drama 🔥

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