Chapter 1: Somehow Neighbors- 1-1

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-Awkward Introductions-

On an alleyway street one morning, Y/N wanders...

"So, this must be Namjun's neighborhood..." I say to myself.

He's a creative writing literature major, and he's placed highly in computer hacking competitions. Namjun's become pretty well-known at his school.

Ha! And that's how I was able to find out where Namjun lives. Great. Now, I'll approach him as a reporter from "University Today" just like I planned! It's the perfect excuse to talk to him! I can't imagine Namjun not in BTS, but I really want to know what kind of life he's leading now. Haha!

I'm almost at Namjun's doorstep, trying to calm my racing heart, when... I hear a sound that stops me in my tracks.


"Huh?" I turn around to see a cat staring at me from the corner.


"Aw..." I pout. "It sounds so sad... Is it hungry? Hmm... I know I have something to eat here somewhere...

I start to rummage through my bag, when... I hear footsteps running towards me.

I can't help it. My eyes go wide and shock when I turn around and see who it is...

A healthy tan...

And handsome and tall...

With chiseled features...

And just brimming with charisma.

It's Namjun!

"Hey, is this your cat?"

I'm glad to meet him sooner than I expected, but he doesn't look very happy to see me.

I blinked, starstruck. "Uh...What?"

Namjun repeats himself, "Is this your cat?"

I stammer, "N-no, this isn't my cat. I don't -"

Namjun cuts me off, "If you feed it, you're taking responsibility. I can't focus on my writing because of how loud it is!"

I falter, "No, I-I'm--"

"This neighborhood's not good for pets," Namjun goes on. "None of the houses are soundproof. Please take it somewhere else to feed."

I try to explain, but Namjun doesn't seem like he's listening. Namjun, clearly misunderstanding the entire situation, turns his back on me.

"He-hey!" I call after Namjun, but he walks away.

No, no, no! How could I blow our the first meeting so badly...?

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