Chapter 5: The Whole Story Revealed

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Ch. 5-1 The Unbelievable Truth

This was a video sequence.

Namjun and Detective Park discuss the similarities of the past reports and the likeliness of it being someone from the police force or the government. They pull up a tab and realize that it was Detective Mo.

Please feel free to search it up on YouTube.


Ch.5-2 Feigned Ignorance

More information arrives at the exact moment we glimpse the suspect's face. A surveillance analysis from the factory perimeter has finally revealed information about a building that looks similar to the picture of Jiyoung.

"Everyone move!" The entire violent crimes division mobilizes on Senior Detective Kim's order.

"First things first, let's go!" Detective Park gets up from his seat.

Namjun and I both nod in agreement. We can't help but check the time.

"Two hours. We have two hours left," Namjun is the first to spot the clock, and he mumbles nervously.

"There really isn't much time left," I say, worried.

Detective Park leaves the room, remembering to take a pair of handcuffs. We quickly follow after him. As soon as we step outside, everyone is rushing about making preparations.

"Do you really think it could be the Detective Mo?" I asked Namjun the question quietly. "I still can't believe it."

"It's pretty much confirmed." Namjun's expression is dark.

He believed that Detective Mo was helping us with our efforts to find Jiyoung. The detective looked kind; he was even the one who verified Namjun 's identity when we first reported that Jiyoung was missing. But I'm sure that the one person who is even more devastated is Detective Park. It can't be easy to accept that his longtime colleague is guilty of so many kidnappings. There seems to be a great weight on Detective Park's shoulders as he leads the way.

"Detective Mo, why? Is it because...?" Detective Park mutters to himself, thoroughly shocked.

"Because?" I asked, stepping closer to the man.

"Detective Moe's younger sister...."

"Younger sister?"

Detective Park trails off. Senior Detective Kim and the other detectives make their way into the parking lot. Detective Mo is with them.

I can't keep a straight face. Flustered, I avoid his gaze.

Senior Detective Kim approached Detective Park to give him instructions. "There is a possibility that the suspect may be on site. Go and search the building. We'll set up a perimeter to keep him from getting away."

Detective Park nodded weakly. "Yes, understood..."

Senior Detective Kim was about to leave but stopped and looked at his colleague sideways. "What kind of half-hearted answer was that?"

"What? Oh..." Detective Kim shook his head. "Sorry."

"Why the long face? Are you nervous about confronting the suspect?"

Detective Park tried to put more bass and confidence in his voice. "No, of course not."

"You need to relax, Detective Park," Detective Mo patted Detective Park on the back good-naturedly.

I frowned. He seems oddly at ease, I think to myself, making eye contact with Namjun. It looks like he's thinking the same thing. Now that we know the truth, there are so many obvious things we didn't notice before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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