Chapter 3-4: Two cops

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Namjun goes out into an empty hallway and stands there, eyes closed.

We make it back to the control room to see if we can find the man on the tapes. Unfortunately, he disappears into the camera's blind spot. We can't figure out where he went.

.Everyone agrees to take a break, then reconvene later to discuss our next move.

Namjun looks exhausted. Feeling sorry, I go to the vending machine and approach him with a treat. Namjun opens his eyes when he hears me come. "You're still here."

I nodded, "Yeah. Here I got you this."

His eyes lit for a moment as he took the cold beverage. "Sport drink! Just what I need to thank you." He seems deep in thought as he sips the drink. "Jiyoung should be okay, right?"

Namjun sounds really down, which makes it hard to decide how to answer.

I nodded. "Yes, she's got you looking for her after all! She'll be okay."

Namjun still seems unsure. "You think so?"

"Of course. Cheer up!" I nudged him in the arm. "It's too soon to despair."

Namjun smiled some. "It's always great to have an ally."

Ally. He called me his ally like we're on the same team. It feels awesome.

"If we keep working hard," I tell him. "I'm sure we'll find Jiyoung in no time! We just have to keep it up."

Detective Park rounds around the corner and spots us. "Were you two enjoying a leisure water break?"

"We were thinking about the case," Namjun corrected.

Park frowned. "I'll do the thinking. You should go home.We'll call you if we need witness accounts."

"If Jiyoung is found, I'm coming. Whether you like it or not," Namjun insisted.

Detective Park glared. "I'll trace the number and figure things out myself. Get out of here."

"Have you finished tracing the number already?" Namjun sounds both amazed and delighted.

Detective Park frowned, awkward. "Who said that we're done yet? We still have some tests to run. We're not detectives for nothing. Leave the rest of the work for those who swore to protect and serve. Go. Home."

"Protect and serve," Namjun repeated, thoughtful. "You're not talking about yourself, are you, old man?"

Detective Park grew heated. "Who are you calling old man?! We're only a few years apart. Do you like being logical? Calling me hyung would make more sense, don't you think?"

Namjun remained calm and shrugged. "I don't think that makes sense either way. Shall I be polite and use your full name, Mr. Park Dalbong?"

Detective Park didn't know what to do with himself. "Why you? I've been too lenient with you. Now you're just asking for trouble."

Namjun cheesed. "I didn't know Mr Park Dalbong was being lenient."

I crossed my arms, watching, amused. This teasing seems to be good nature for you too, not to be at least a little fond of each other.

Park pointed a finger. "Kid, I'm warning you."

Namjun held his hands up in surrender. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay, I get it. I'll call you to Detective Park."

Detective Park nodded, satisfied. "Yes, that's what you should be doing. Wait, why am I happy about that?"

Senior Detective Kim's voice carries down the hall from behind us. "Detective Park. The meeting is about to begin."

Namjun and I both followed Detective Park into the briefing room.

Detective Park shoots me a bewildered look. "Wait, why aren't you going home? You filed a report, why are you still playing detective?"

"If Jiyoung's found, I'm coming. Whether you like it or not," I tell him, slipping past him.

Detective park looked confused. "Why does it feel like I've heard this before?" 

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