Chapter 1-2: Good Intentions

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So...not only are things not going according to plan...I've somehow made him dislike me instead. This isn't how it's supposed to go...


I turn to glare at the cat. "You've got terrible timing, you know that? This is all your fault!"

The cat kicks an empty can of tuna and meows again.

It's clear that it wants to be fed and it wants to be fed now.

"Hey, quiet down!" I pick up the empty can in a sudden burst of frustration. 

"Meoooww!" The cat immediately starts to meow even louder in protest.

"Sheesh, the mouth on you," I mutter, softer on the cat as I survey tuna can in my hand. "I'm sorry. It's not really your fault, is it?"

The cat tilted its head sideways at me.

I sigh. "Well, you heard him. You can't just stand here. Come on." I picked up the cat, and it's slowly eases into my arms. "You're a sweetheart for such a crybaby, aren't you? It's okay, baby. I'll get you something yummy if you keep being nice."

A small silhouette crosses in front of me as I attempt to get up with the cat.

"What are you doing?"

I look up to find a wide-eyed girl staring back at me, a can of tuna clutched in one of her hands.

I smile and try to explain, "Oh, but--"

"Where are you taking Toto?"

I blink. "...Toto?"

"Yeah, my little sister, Toto. Are you a cat napper?"

I quickly let go of the cat. It slicks off towards the corner. "Haha. This is all just a misunderstanding. Really. Do you think Toto would be so calm if I was really a cat napper?"

The little girl shrugged. "Toto's always sweet to people." She doesn't seem to realize that Toto's a very loud cat.

"Are you the one who feeds Toto here?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Of course. I'm her big sister," the little girl says matter-of-factly.

"Wouldn't it be better to feed her more often? Toto seems to cry a lot because she's hungry," I point out with Namjun in mind.

The young girl starts to become flustered. "That's none of your business. You cat napper!"

That's when I realized that she looks rather shabby. She's in a worn T-shirt and frayed jeans. It doesn't seem like she's in a place to feed Toto more often.

"Then, how about taking Toto somewhere else?" I offer. "Somewhere where Toto won't bother people with her crying."

The little girl shook her head, adamantly. "No, Toto has to stay here and wait for dad with me. The girl waves her hand at me like she's trying to shoot me away. Her cell phone clutched tightly in her other fist.

"But think about how other people feel," I plead.

"I don't care. Go away. I don't want to talk to a cat napper." I can only watch in astonishment as she walks away.

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