Chapter 4: Into the Labyrinth 4-1

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-That man in the rain-

"So..." I began, trying to make sense of what we had just seen. "Bloodyocean's not the kidnapper, then..."

Namjun shook his head. "He can't be. He wouldn't be able to send a text from inside the interrogation room."

Detective Park still seemed unsure. "Do you think it could be a scheduled text?"

You can do that?

"How do you send a scheduled text?" I asked aloud. "How would they know when the phone's data would be restored?"

Detective Park sighed. "Right? I thought as much. So, we're looking for someone else."

A picture crosses my mind as soon as I hear the words. Someone else.

"Someone...else..." I repeated. "Someone else?"

Namjun asked Detective Park a question while I was thinking. "Where did Bloodyocean say he got this phone?"

"He said he works in a factory and was taking a break," Detective Park explained. "Some car stopped and threw the cell phone out the window and left."

Namjun shook his head as he rubbed his chin. "That's ridiculous. He couldn't see who was inside?"

Detective Park shrugged. "He couldn't see anything because they rolled down the window just enough to throw it out."

Namjun frowned. "That sounds suspicious."

Detective Park agreed. "Right. It's suspicious. Should we question the factory workers? We'd only need one riot vehicle."

Namjun dismissed the idea. "With how many people work there, it would take us at least a month."

Detective Park didn't let up. "Yeah, great. So, a mid-size riot vehicle."

Namjun shook his head once more as if to say it was far from enough. "How soon can you get a mid-sized riot vehicle here now?"

Detective Park crossed his arms, annoyed. "You're trying to say we should search the whole area on foot.?"

Namjun furrowed his brows. "On foot? No. What century are you in? We need to use our heads."

"Okay, genius. What's your big idea?"

"Think about it," Namjun went on. "It's weird, right? Jiyoung's picture arrived almost immediately after we found the phone."

Detective Park faltered. "That's... True."

"Does that seem like a coincidence to you?" Namjun pointed out, pacing a bit as he pieced everything together. "No, right? The kidnapper definitely knew when he reactivated the phone like they were watching us the whole time." Namjun carefully looks at all the present members of the police force.

Detective Park was stunned with disbelief, pointing at him with a pen he picked up in his frustration. "Hey, are you crazy? Do you understand what you're suggesting?"

Namjun met his eyes leveled. "I'm just analyzing the situation. Doesn't it seem planned out to you? Everything seems planned. Even dropping the cell phone here."

Detective Park glared at him. "Why would they do that?"

Namjun's shoulders dropped. "I don't know. Why would they go so far out of their way to play games with us?"

The image that floated through my mind earlier suddenly comes into clearer focus. "Ah!"

Namjun turned to me. "What is it?"

"I just remembered something!"

Detective Park nodded at me, curious. "Go on."

"The day we met Jiyoung's dad," I told them. "I saw a suspicious guy on my walk home."

"A suspicious guy?" Namjun repeated.

"Yeah, he was wearing a black raincoat, even though it wasn't rainy. He was loitering around the wall."

Detective Park groaned in disgust, already knowing where this was going. "Was he urinating in public? That's a 30,000 won fine, you know."

Namjun's eyes narrowed at him. "Detective Park! Now's not the time."

Detective Moe, who was quiet among the other officers, stepped up. "Please continue." He takes notes while regarding me with a serious expression.

I nodded, but I felt embarrassed now. "Well, I don't know... Honestly, it could be nothing...."

Detective Park clicked his tongue. "You better not just be messing around."

"He was really suspicious, though," I insisted. "I mean it."

Detective Mo still seemed interested. "You didn't get a look at his face?"

I dropped my eyes to the floor. "No...All I remember is the raincoat and that he was on the taller side. It was too dark. ...I don't remember."

Even Namjun has to shake his head. "That's too vague to go off of. There's nothing there to tie him to the crime."

I sighed. "That's what I expected."

"Even so..." Detective Moe started, turning to Park. "We've received surveillance footage from all the cameras surrounding the factory. Let's check those first."

Detective Park nodded. "Right. Evidence. Let's not accuse any other innocent people!" He exclaims and gets up to review the footage.

I sighed. I can't get that guy out of my head. Should I try to see if any of the cars nearby have a dash cam?

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