Chapter: 3-5 Lead uncovered

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All we learned is that we can't proceed until forensic finishes tracing the number. The discussion doesn't really go anywhere.

Namjun spent the entire briefing glued to his phone, lost in his own thoughts.

I watched him. Is he too tired to focus?

We head over to a cafe to take a quick break. Even there, Namjun still can't take his eyes off his phone.

"Hmm no reaction yet..." Namjun mumbled.

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I set up some bait on a second hand site," Namjun explained briskly.


Namjun suddenly stands up.

Ever Cafe notification (one) comment: I'm selling.

"They took it," Namjun said.

"What is it? What are you doing?"


"Bloodyocean666," I repeated. "Geez, what kind of name is that?"

Namjun patiently explains what he's been doing. "I posted a want-to-buy-ad for Jiyoung's model of cell phone.I think the suspect took the bait."


"Is this where you're supposed to meet up?" Detective Park asked.

Namjun nodded. "Yeah. Bloodyocean666 wanted to meet here at 5."

"How did you find him anyway?" the detective inquired.

"I knew that he'd tried to sell it again," Namjun shrugged like this was obvious. "That's why I set up a trap."

Detective Park seemed intrigued. "Impressive."

"But I didn't expect you to get here so quickly," Namjun added.

"Yeah, well, I need some kind of lead and you've got a nose for this stuff," the older man sniffed.

"Wow." I accidentally blurted out my awe, the detective noticed.

"Why do you look so uncomfortable?"

I shrugged. "Nothing. It seems like you two have gone closer."

Park scoffed. "A veteran like me and an amateur like him?" He exaggerated to suggest that he doesn't like what he's hearing.

"I don't like being lumped in with an old guy like you either," Namjun lets his thoughts be known.

"Hey! I told you to call me hyung!"

"If you say so, Dalbong-hyung."

Park glared. "Watch it, kid!"

I noticed something suspicious ahead of us, walking. "Not to interrupt, but over there. Don't you think that looks like the person we're waiting for?"

The men both look where I'm pointing.

"Sure looks like he could be him, doesn't it?" Park claimed.

"Yeah, a black bobber jacket and a white and a black hat. It's him," Namjun declared.

Detective Park nodded. "I'll hang out in the back."

Namjun goes to meet the suspect halfway. "I'll be right back."

Detective Park called after him. "Hey!" He grabs Namjun's shoulder as he turns to walk away. Namjun gives him a questioning look. "Don't do anything risky if you think things might get dangerous. I'll take care of the rest."

Namjun's lip twitched, amused. "You know, worrying doesn't suit you."

Both men exchange a look of respect.

Namjun nodded curtly. "Then I'll be back."

"Namjun, be careful," I urged.

My heart races as I watched Namjun talk to them. Bloodyocean.

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