Chapter 1-7: A Little Bit Closer

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Sometime later, we receive a dinner invitation from Jinyoung's dad.

"I've heard a lot about you," he says. "Thank you for being my daughter's friends. Does Jiyoung bother you while I'm not here?"

Namjun shakes his head. "Not at all. She's been a real big help with my novel."

"That's right!" I added. "We're glad that we've made such a great friend like Jinyoung. I heard that you're a cargo truck driver."

Jiyoung's dad nod. "Yes, I travel for work, so I can't see Jiyoung that much. I bought her a cell phone, but I always miss her.

"I understand," I say, sympathetic. "Hearing her voice definitely isn't enough."

"That's why I took pictures for you. You have all my photos, right?" Jiyoung wanted to know.

Her father nods. "I have them. I look at them every day."

"Good job, dad," Jiyoung pats her father on the shoulder. "You have to look at my pictures every day, okay?"

"Yes, I see them every day."

He speaks rather simply, but he seems like a good person. Even his sincerity seems pure. I suddenly want to reassure Jiyoung's dad and keep him from worrying. I guess that I wasn't the only one with that instinct, because Namjun speaks up.

"We will keep watching out for Jiyoung," he tells the older man. "It is what friends do."

The father and daughter smiles both widen at Namjun's declaration.

"So, you don't need to worry as much when you're out on the road," he continued.

Jiyoung's dad nod. "Thank you. I still worry, but only a little."

"That's okay, just don't worry a lot," Jiyoung told him. "Only a little bit."

"Okay, I'll be sure to look at your pictures." Jiyoung's dad breaks into a smile as he replies.

I'm so glad that Namjun took charge and reassured Jiyoung's dad.

After dinner, Jiyoung and her father walked out with us to say goodbye.

"Please come again soon," Jiyoung's dad told us. "We'll have dinner again."

"Okay, we will. You should head inside," Namjun says.

"Yeah, Jiyoung. You should go inside too," I added.

"Okay!" Jiyoung agrees. "I'll text you. Have a safe trip home!"

We bid our goodbyes to Jiyoung and our father.


"Wow, I can't believe it's so late already," Namjun makes conversation.

"Right? You should head home and get some rest," I tell him.

Namjun paused and looked at me. "...Wouldn't it be better for me to walk you home?"

"What?" I shook my head and flashed a reassuring smile. "No, I'm alright. The neighborhood's well lit. Besides the bus stop is right out front." It'd be great if Namjun walked me home, but I can't bother him like that.

Namjun nodded, understanding. "Get home safely, text me when you get there."

"Alright, I will. I had fun today."

"Me too."

I'm definitely a lot more comfortable talking to him now. Is it because I know I have reasons to keep meeting it up with him? As I walk down the hill deep and thought, I spotted a guy in a black hat loitering around.

"Huh? Who's that? He looks sketchy." He stands there for quite a while before suddenly turning to face the wall.

"Oh, come on, gross! Don't pee here, man!"

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