Chapter 2-2: An Uneasy Feeling

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Something doesn't feel right...

I feel even worse later when Jiyoung still hasn't replied.

I head over to Jiyoung's street with a knot in my stomach.

Y/N: [i'm heading over to Jiyoung's house right now. When are you free?]

I send a message in the group chat, but neither Jiyoung nor Namjun respond. Namjun seems busy with dinner.

The text alert beeps a few moments later when I'm nearly to Jiyoung's house.

Namjun: [I'm sorry. The professor's in the middle of saying something. I don't think I can make it out.]

Y/N: [that's all right. I'll stop by her house.]

Namjun: [I'm sorry.]

Y/N: [no its okay I can go alone.]

I arrive at Jiyoung's house and proceed to knock on the door.

"No one's home," I mumbled, but I tried again. "Are you there?! Answer me! Jiyoung! Jiyoung!"

I knock a little harder on the door. The knot in my stomach is growing heavier.

Jiyoung doesn't answer. No matter how loudly I knock or call her name.

Could something have really happened to her? I fretted. Oh, Jiyoung....

I hear brakes screeching in the alleyway and then someone running up to the steps. Who's that? It can't be Namjun, but who else would it be at this weird hour? I turned around and was swept with a small amount of relief. It's Jiyoung's dad.

"Ah, hello," he politely nodded his head. "Are you with Jiyoung?"

I shook my head. "No. I just got here. ...She's not with you?"

It was her dad's turn to shake his head. "No, I rushed home because she wasn't answering her phone. Why aren't you going inside?"

I frown. "Jiyoung's not here."

Her dad's eyes widened. He hastily pulls out his keys and opens her front door. The house is dark, no one's home.

The elderly man calls for her, "Jiyoung! Are you hiding Jiyoung? Jiyoung!"

The whole house echoes with desperate calls for his daughter. He's shaking and I reach out to grab his arm.

"...She's not here," I murmured. "I'll go look outside."

He nods gravely. "Me too."

As we leave the house, a flash of lightning arcs across the sky, thunder follows immediately after. And then it starts pouring down raining.

"Jiyoung doesn't have an umbrella," her dad observed, holding a Pororo branded umbrella in his hands. "She's left hers right here."

I stare out into the glistening alleyway. "Where on earth did you go? I hope she's not out in the rain..." I started to get desperate and point in a direction. "Let's go this way and look for her together."

Her dad and I began to search all the alleyways that Jiyoung would usually take on her way home.

If she isn't nearby...

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