Chapter 1-5: Unexpected Dinner Plans

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And that's how we end up at Namjun's apartment.

I can't believe I'm actually here. It's a lot neater than I thought it would be.

Namjun makes a big deal out of bringing out dinner. It's Curry. Despite the presentation, it's not that tasty.

"Does it taste okay?" Namjun asks.

A smaller energetic voice blurts out a reply before I can think of an excuse. "Yeah, it's so good!"  

 My face breaks into a faint smile upon hearing the young girl's praise.  How does she think this taste good? 

The girl suddenly gets up and goes over to the window. "Do you think Toto had a good dinner too?"

"She probably ate well. I watched the salt off the tuna before I gave it to her. So, her stomach shouldn't be hurting either," Namjun replies as he washed the dishes. I told him I'd washed them, but he insisted a guest shouldn't clean up. 

The girl, we now know as Jiyoung turns back to Namjun with a smile. "You're the best! Are you going to help me take care of Toto?"

Namjun tensed. "Uh, help?"

The girl fixes him with such a hopeful expression that he really can't help but nod. "Okay, let's do it."

 This might be a chance to get closer to Namjun, I've gotta take it. I raise my hand over my head and shout, "I'm in the middle of moving to the neighborhood! Can I help take care of Toto too?!" 

"You're moving here?" Namjun asked, surprised. 

"Y-yeah, my least starts the week after next."

 "Wow! Great! Then the three of us can all look after Toto together," Jiyoung beamed.

That works. I hadn't been planning to move, but thankfully, nobody doesn't seem to have realized that.

Namjun focuses on the sink, and the room fills with the sound of dishes clattering.

I feel awkward. I don't have anything to do. Maybe I should have fought harder to do the dishes. 

"Hey, what's this?" The girl finds something, breaking me out of my thoughts. She's holding a manuscript.

"Is that the novel that you're working on?" It was my turn to ask. 

Namjun momentarily stops washing the dishes he's holding. "Oh, yeah, that's the novel I mentioned earlier."

He looks like he's blushing a little bit. Is he embarrassed? It's cute. 

"Can I read it? I think it will help me write that article," I say. 

"Me too! I want to read too!" Jiyoung exclaimed. 

"I mean, it's kind of a work in progress..." Namjun hesitates, but after some convincing, agrees to let us read it.

Jiyoung and I start to read the manuscript.



 Namjun waits anxiously, as we read his work.

It flows well and it's really fun to read. His talent's still there. He's written a great novel. I'm proud of him. 

Jiyoung speaks up first. "I love it!" 

"For real?" Namjun wants to know.

I agree, finishing up. "Yeah, it was really entertaining. Better than some published books I've read recently."

 "Oh, thank you," Namjun is still embarrassed, but his expression is a lot brighter.

I have a suggestion to make for the next draft. Should I tell him? I make up my mind. "What happens at the end? I'm not sure I really got it." 

"I want to know what happens!" Jiyoung pipes up excited. 

Namjun explains the way he wants the ending to be, I make some suggestions about how he might make that clear and more satisfying to readers. This launched us into an exciting discussion about the novel. Namjun writes down all my suggestions.

 "It's going to be so good!" Jiyoung cheered.

"Yeah, that's a relief. I think so too." Namjun says.

Jiyoung seems really excited and Namjun's reply to her only encourages that.

This kid helps me break the ice to talk to him about his novel and dinner concludes on a high note.

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