Chapter: 4-5 Now isn't the time

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The moment Detective Park's fist looked like it'd make contact with Namjun's face...I rushed toward him. "No!!!"

It wasn't fast enough.

Detective Park's fist hits Namjun square in the jaw. Namjun hits the floor with a thud.

I crouched down beside him. "Namjun... Are you all right? Detective Park, stop!"

"Who do you think you are?!" Detective Park raged. "You can't make that call!"

Detective Park is livid as he rounded on Namjun. He is still on the ground, looking down helplessly.

My eyes grew, and I jumped back. There's blood at the corner of Namjun's mouth. It must hurt. Can he not feel his own pain?

"Are you a detective?" Detective Park jeered. "What could you possibly know?"

"Stop," Senior Detective Kim intervened carefully. "Detective Park, calm down, please!"

All the other detectives rush in to restrain Detective Park.

Detective Moe approaches Namjun and helps him up. "Are you okay?"

Namjun shoves Detective Moe's hand away. "If we don't do something, Jiyoung's going to die! She's going to drown!" He yelled, panicked by the mere thought.

"Alerting the public? Not a chance!" Detective Park shouted, fighting his coworkers off of him. "There's a limit to how much disrespect they can take from a kid who doesn't know his place." He stands his ground.

I understand why Detective Park doesn't want everyone to know about this. That kind of attention might put Jiyoung in even more danger. We don't want to aggravate the kidnapper, but like Namjun said, if we don't find Jiyoung now....

The mood grows heavy. No one seems to be able to break the silence.

"Are you all going to just stand here?" Namjun asked. We need to move! Anywhere! To all the swimming pools in the country." He choked out the words.

Namjun... I frowned. Namjun knows that Detective Park and the others are doing their best. Their absolute best. I'm sure the rage overtook him, knowing that Jiyoung was out there somewhere in the rain when he wasn't. He's angry at himself. Namjun's not the only one who feels that way.

Others are angry, myself included. My presence here feels ineffective.

"Do you think we're just sitting around sucking on our thumbs?" Detective Park accused. "If you're so smart, go find her. Why haven't you done it yet?"

Namjun presses his lips together, balling his hands into fit so hard that his fingernails dig into his palms. It's true, not even Namjun has an idea at this point. there really no chance of finding Jiyoung before time runs out?

We're all desperately working towards the same thing. How have we hit this wall? It's like it's mocking us, the photo of Jiyoung looked at us all.

Namjun glances at the photo and storms out of the room.

"Ah-Namjun!" I rush after him.

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