Chapter 3-7: Found it...?

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Detective Park's brought Bloodyocean into the Interrogation room so I waited for Namjun. I start to worry if he's injured himself, but thankfully he was just grabbing coffee.

"We can't go into the interrogation room, so we might as well take a break," I tell him when he returns, holding two cups.

"Right." Namjun extended a cup to me. "You must be tired. Drink this."

"Oh, thank you," I said.

Namjun watches me take my first sip. He took notes from our cafe meetings, he made sure it was a good blend of sweet and bitter. I enjoy it with a smile.

"I should be thanking you," Namjun suddenly speaks. "You helped me earlier, right?"

Ah! Namjun noticed my efforts! I thought about it instead of saying anything.

Namjun smiled lightly. "Anway, thanks for helping me catch Bloodyocean."

"I'm proud to have helped. It's nothing," I try to sound cool. "We both want to find Jiyoung."

We sip our coffees and wait for Detective Park to finish the interrogation in hopes to see Jiyoung again soon.

Detective Park emerges from the room a short time later.

"How'd it go?" I piped up.

"He denies all charges," Park explained solemnly. "We need to look at the evidence again. Do you think that deleted files can be recovered?"

"I just need 10 minutes, no. Five minutes is plenty," Namjun replied.

He's so sure of himself that it reassures everyone around him. Namjun and I follow Park back to the office room, Namjun sits down at the computer with a cell phone in hand.

It only takes Namjun three minutes to restore the original data on the phone that Bloodyocean was trying to sell.

"Ah, Jiyoung's vibrant face is the background photo," I commented.

Detective Park becomes agitated. "So, it is the phone. And this punk kept denying it..."

An alert suddenly shows up on Jiyoung's phone.

"A text message..." Namjun mumbled.

Detective Park was still annoyed by Bloodyocean's lies. "Don't try to stop me. I'm going to make an example out of that punk."

Namjun tries to get his attention as he opens the text. "Detective.."

"I told you, don't stop me."


Detective Park finally steps out of it and turns to look at Namjun.

"Look at this."

Park grabs the phone out of Namjun's hand. "What..."

We all forget to breathe. The message is a video of Jiyoung who we look so hard for. Her wrist and ankles are tied. She shakes from fear. It's a scene out of a nightmare.

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