Chapter 2: An Ominous Omen 2-1

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-Cat Caretakers-

A text alert beeps. It's from the cat caretakers group chat.

Namjun: [Where are you right now? It's my turn to feed toto today. But do you think you can cover for me?]

Y/N: [why did something come up?]

Namjun: [my writing professor asked me to get dinner.]

Y/N: [Whoa, that's a big deal. Your professor's a famous author, right?]

Namjun: [I'm sure there's a lot I can learn from meeting with him 1 on 1 that's for sure. Jiyoung, can you feed Toto? Are you busy?]

Jiyoung hasn't responded to any of our messages.

What's going on? I wondered to myself as I relaxed in my bed. She usually checks her text messages right away.

Time passes, but the messages remain unread.

Y/N: [Jiyoung must be busy. I'll take care of Toto today!]

Namjun: [You will? Phew, I'm saved.]

Y/N: [yeah, don't worry about it. Have a nice time. Eat a lot. Talk a lot. Learn a lot.]

Namjun: [Seems like it's going to be a very valuable experience.]

Our conversation turns towards school related topics, even though we've been texting for a while. There's still no response from Jiyoung.

This is weird... I thought. Did something happen to her?

Namjun seems to be worrying now, too, apparent by his next text.

Namjun: [Jiyoung. Are you okay? Is something wrong?]

Y/N: [Jiyoung?]

Namjun: [I just tried to call her. She isn't picking up.]

Y/N: [really?]

Namjun: [Yeah, Has something really happened to her?]

I suddenly think of Jiyoung's dad. She doesn't really need to check her phone if they're together.

Y/N: [Do you think she's with her dad? She won't be checking her phone much if she is.]

Namjun: [ah, that's true.]

Y/N: [yeah, probably don't worry about it. have fun at dinner.]

Namjun: [whoa,I didn't even realize what time it was. I've got to go! say hi to toto for me.]

Y/N: [leave toto to me!]

The cat caretakers chat quiets down and I begin to wonder once more. Everything is okay, right?

Even with the explanation of Jiyoung being with her dad, I'm still uneasy.

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