Chapter 4-3: Namjun's sixth sense

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When that shocking image of Jiyoung arrived, all the members of the police force were stunned.

More serious now, everyone is working harder than ever.

There's nothing I can really do except bring coffee. I sulk a bit. That's when I suddenly think of Jiyoung's dad. He hasn't been able to go to work. All he's been able to do is wait at home for Jiyoung to return. I'm sure he's worrying about her the most out of anyone right now.It tugs at my heartstrings. I have to stay strong. We owe it to him to work even harder to bring Jiyoung home.

I enter the office with some coffee. "Detective Moe, here's something to drink while you work."

Detective Moe is working hard as expected. There are various surveillance tapes strewn around his desk. He accepted the drink with a tight and tired smile. "Thank you."

I nodded. "Have you found anything yet?"

Detective Mo sighed. "I'm trying to find the car BloodyOcean mentioned, but there's nothing."

"I see."

"Aren't you tired?" He asked. "Why are you working so hard?"

"Well, it's not just the police force taking this hard," I told him. I just want Jiyoung to come home. I'm sure everyone here feels the same way."

Detective Moe nodded thoughtfully. "I see. I'm sorry to ask such an obvious question. Thanks for the coffee."

I dipped my head and backed away. I wonder if Namjun's alright.

Namjun was sitting at Detective Park's desk, hunched over a laptop. A video analysis program in Jiyoung's picture was visible on the screen.

I approached him, hopeful. "Have you found anything?"

Namjun shook his head and sighed, pulling the fedora off his head to mess with his hair. "There must be a reason why he sent this. It's so frustrating not being able to figure out why."

"Don't worry so much," I reassured him. " We'll be able to find Jiyoung."

Namjun smiled bitterly. Looking at him makes me sad. He hasn't been able to eat anything since we got that picture. He needs to eat if he's going to keep working all day. Everyone needs carbs to keep going.

I went to the nearest convenience store and bought some pastries. Thirty minutes later, I returned with two bags full. "I brought some snacks!" I announced. Everyone should take one. Namjun, here. Eat this." I offered him an individually wrapped snack.

"Ah...thank you," Namjun was flustered but took it anyway. However, he suddenly stopped opening the package of bread to look out the window. "Rain?"

It's pouring outside, and Jiyoung's photo remains on the monitor. Namjun looks back and forth from the window to the monitor and suddenly stands up. "No!!!"

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