Chapter 3: I'm gonna find her 3-1

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Urgent action

Jiyoung's phone is turned on and located in Gangnam. It's the first clue we found that might help find Jiyoung.

Detective Park walks quickly to the parking lot, opens the car door. "So as soon as we get there..."

His trustee colleague follows him into their car. "Right, you can tell me what to do when we get there while we're on the way."

It's actually Namjun in the car with the Detective Park, and the realization dawned on the older man slowly. "What the?" Frowning, Detective Park stops in the middle of buckling his seat belt. "Where's detective mode? Get out."

Namjun stayed put. "I'm the one who found the clue, Detective Park."

That fact meant nothing to the detective. "I asked nicely. Don't make me ask again."

"I need to see Jiyoung there with my own eyes," Namjun insisted.

Detective Park looks annoyed with him, who still stubbornly refuses to budge. "Leave! Leave this to the police, don't be stupid. Get out!"

Namjun's mind's made up. He continues to sit.

"I'll throw you in jail for obstruction if you don't move," the detective threatened. "Get out!"

"Oh no," I watched a few feet away, trailing Namjun. Neither one of them seems ready to back down. To tip this wobbling iceberg that was this argument, I climb into the backseat. There was no way Detective Park would say no if both of us overwhelmed him. "Let's go detective!"

Both Detective Park and Namjun turn to look back at me.

"Report Filer," the detective's voice was chilly. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I need to see for myself too," I say with a shrug. "3 sets of eyes are better than one."

Namjun nodded, a small smile spreading on his lips. "Yeah," he turned to the detective. "We might be able to help you like we did earlier."

Detective Park wasn't hearing it. "Get out, the both of you!"

"Hey, why are you just sitting here?" I told him. "Aren't we short on time? We're wasting it. Hurry!"

Detective Park glances between Namjun and me. A look of utter bewilderment flashed across his face. It slowly sinks in that neither of us are getting out of his car anytime soon.

"Get in the way and it's over for both of you," Detective Park seethed. "We're leaving. Put your seatbelts on!"

He floors that accelerator the moment we click our belts into place. Tires screeching. The car tears out of the parking lot.

Where is Jiyoung now? I wonder as I stare out the window, scanning the area in hopes that all our efforts so far were just some fluke and Jiyoung was simply walking down the street and got lost. I knew that was way off, her phone says she's in Gangnam...I just hope she's still here.

I just really want to find you and my desperation grows as the car races down the highway.

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