Chapter 3-6: Run Namjun

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Namjun approached a strange man standing at a distance away from us.

The man scans the area and finally settles on Namjun. "Are you here for the cell phone?"

"Yes. Bloodyocean?"

"Yep, I'm Bloodyocean."

Namjun nodded slightly in affirmation.

"I only have the phone, so no accessories," the man explained. "Here, take a look." He hands Namjun the phone.

Namjun examines it closely. "It's in better condition than I expected" He turns it over.. "But can you knock off 10,000 won off the price?"

"Hey, that's not cool, man. We agreed on a no-haggle deal."

"Yeah, but there's no charger and only one battery," Namjun pointed out. "I traveled really far to get here."

"Bloodyocean didn't appreciate that. "You're not cool, after all. Trades off."

"Hey, don't be like that," Namjun insisted. "I think the discount's fair."

"That's enough. I'm not interested in selling." Bloodyocean reaches over to take the phone back from Namjun but Namjun stands his ground and grabs the phone firmly in his hand.

"What the-? Let go!"

"I actually really want to take this."

Detective Park swiftly approaches the two scuffling men.

Bloodyocean seems to have noticed that something's off. "What the --- ugh? What?" He pushes Namjun out of his way and runs off.

"Namjun!" I rushed forward to steady Namjun.

Namjun stumbles, but not entirely. He regains his balance and chases after Bloodyocean.

Detective Park follows hot on their heels.

I change courses, skidding. "Wait, wait for me!"

Ugh, the midday chase is starting to drag on.

Bloodyocean pushes pedestrians out of his way as he runs down a busy street. He disappears down an alleyway that splits into different directions.

Namjun looks okay, but it's clear that Detective Park is worn out. This is too inefficient. There's got to be a better way...

I run into the alley, hoping to help Namjun. I survey the area, and my feet slip on something green and murky. I look up to spot some kind of bucket on the roof... I notice a stairway for a building that led up to there...a reckless idea kicks in and I quickly make my way up.

I try to think like the suspect. Right? This way to the left, he can escape to the busier street. But if I can time it right, I can drop this and... I see some trash bags up here. Block his path!

Bloodyocean appears in the alleyway. I am standing above. Great...ready.! I splash the weird substance and toss the bags. Bloodyocean heard the clinking of the bucket and quickly maneuvers out of reach, though he fights not to fall from the liquid already spilled on the ground. No, this can't! I start dropping the bags in front of him. Avoiding the bags with a slippery pavement proved hard and he was on the verge of falling several times.

Namjun was hot on Bloodyocean's trail. With my distraction, he manages to jump and grab Bloodyocean.

That was almost's too soon to celebrate.

"Jiyoung! Where's Jiyoung, you asshole?! Where is she?!" I hope that this wouldn't be another red herring.

A/N: in the game, you have a choice to either go into the alleyway and try to be a wall to block bloodyocean and he runs past you with ease, or you go up to the roof and yell to namjun letting him know where bloodyocean went which is the alleyway, both ending with namjun tackling him down. Both options sounded boring, so I wrote my own, though I don't think it's much better. I just wished Y/N had a stronger impact on catching the bad guy.

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