Chapter 1-6: We're F-R-I-E-N-D-S

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I arrive at Cafe B, the same place where I met Namjun for the interview. As soon as I arrive Namjun acknowledge me with a polite nod.

"I got an "A" after I made the edit you both suggested," he says proudly.

I smile. "Well, that's great!"

Jiyoung also reacts as excitedly to the good news. This is the 3rd time we've met up together. We've been meeting up regularly at the cafe after agreed to look after Toto together.

"Do you mind if I read your new draft?" I ask.

"Sure. Here you are. I usually get feedback saying I sound inexperience, but not this time," Namjun hands me the edited manuscript, and I start to read it.

"I'm already a few pages in it and it's already so much more fun to read," I tell him. "But...has anyone ever told you your pros has a rhythm? I know I'm reading a novel, but it flows like poetry."

Namjun smiled. "Thank you. I did write poet before this."

"No wonder. You're writing is so easy to read. It keeps me focused."

Jiyoung suddenly points to a page of the manuscript. "Ohh, is this little kid supposed to be me?"

Namjun nodded. "Yeah, nice catch. Toto's in it too, as a person who looks like a cat."

I pout. "Jiyoung and Toto are in it.... So, what about me? Am I in it too?"

Namjun was amused. "Yeah, you're at the very end."

I grin, probably too big than I should be. I'm in Namjun's novel! "Wow. What kind of character am I?" I inquire aloud.

"Oh, you're the dog that Toto walks," Namjun says casually as he takes a sip of his iced coffee.

I frown. I'm the dog. I guess I should be glad to be included at all. I mustered up some gratitude. "That' fun. The cat's a person and a person's a dog. Wow. How did you think of that?"

I'm trying hard to nurse my bruised ego.

Namjun burst into laughter. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You're not a dog. You're a reporter for the local newspaper. You provide the last piece of critical evidence for the case."

I am intrigued and sit up. "Really. Where?"

"Here, reporter." Jiyoung points to the word reporter and carefully begin to read this section.

The reporter really does sound like me. They're described as being a natural talker and proficient in conducting interviews. Is that how Namjun sees me?

"Anyway. Are you hungry?" Namjun changes the subject. "Should I get an order of honey bread?"

"Sure. I'll buy." I offer.

I look towards Jiyoung to see what she like. But she looks sad. Huh. Why is she so sad all of a sudden?

"Dad said not to keep relying on others..." Jiyoung mumbled. She must feel bad for being treated to food all the time.

"It's okay to eat things your friends buy for you," Namjun reassures her.

Jinyoung blinked. "Huh?"

"Aren't we friends?" 

Jiyoung stares blankly at Namjun before a bright smile spread on her face. "Great friends!"

I agree. "Yeah, we're friends. So, what's your dad like?"

"He drives a cargo truck and he's busy all the time. It actually sad that he's gone so much," Jiyoung shares.

Namjun nodded solemnly. "I see."

The air grew is heavy, but not for long.

Jiyoung pipes back up, lightning the mood. "We call each other a lot, though. That's why he bought me this cell phone."

So that's why Jiyoung looks at her phone whenever she gets to the chance, I think.

"I told my dad about you guys. I told him that I found nice friends to help me look after Toto!" she says.

"You did, huh?" Namjun says, encouraging.

Jiyoung nodded quickly. "Mm-hm! Thank you for being my friends."

Her dad must be amazing to have raised such an intelligent kite child. This whole situation's tugging on my heartstrings. And I'm pretty sure Namjun feels the same way if his expression is anything to go by.

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