chapter 1 : struggles of survival

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The situation was so severe and absurd that it was hard to believe that this was real. It was more so for Hruday, as he had tons of such nightmares regularly!!

Everyone felt the same way, not just him. Some froze and turned into easy prey, but Hruday managed to come out of it, just like he did in his dreams, to avoid a torturous death. At least he attempted to...

Hruday had 3 options One was to go back to the classroom, and another was to run outside, and there was another one to go to the teacher's room, but that wasn't an option at all because they heard screams of pain and beasty growls... He had to choose one classroom or two. Running outside, as easy as it might sound to some, wasn't at all easy due to the constant screams of horror.

He had to calm his nerves down and think straight classroom might look like a safe haven amidst the chaos; it could be a deadly death trap, so was running outside. As most of the zombies and students were doing the same, it was never a good option to follow the crowd, especially now.

if he did that, his survival wasn't a good possibility. If he went to the classroom, it could turn into a death trap, but it could give him a minute to calm down and much-needed time to think and prepare, so he thought I could also leave from the back door, which leads to the ground, and finally, he decided to go back to the classroom, hoping that there wouldn't be newly turned zombies waiting for them

but he was trapped because of the time he took to think about making the zombies come near him Luckily, most zombies already had their prey set. In the way stood two zombies, one of whom was an absolute monster.

He decided to run through the inner ground/hollow part of the U-shaped building, where there were a ton of zombies chasing around. his back was the teacher's room and he eyed the stage and looked at the distance back where the compound ended. Just in case, he said

"We will play dodge or die today." Roy snapped back almost at the same time, too tensed by the possibilities of his choices; he couldn't decide Just as he was going to ask, he heard this from his buddy He was baffled His eyes reflected this thought What the fu*k hruday ran saying, let's dodge Roy pulling Michael said there isn't much space to run together without following you guys

Hruday ran out without saying much; everyone followed, but they failed to note that the fallen bucket of soup water and stepping on it hruday slid down fast. Due to his inertia, he passed through the approaching giant, making him bend, but Roy, who realized it too late, couldn't stop and kicked the 6.4' monster's bent head, making it fall on Michal, who tried to stop, who was pushed by John, making them crash on other zombies. They all closed their eyes, crashing into the wall

They opened their eyes in a second, their backs wet Roy screamed, "Open the fu*king door We are fine, not injured. As he opened the door, which was slightly closed, he ran towards it and banged Just as another small opening came, Roy pushed himself inside, just as hruday was scanning everywhere, thinking what to do.

Opening the door Roy jumped on Shravan, slapping him as hard as hruday After getting in, he closed the door and leaned on it before he could warn them. a violent sound came thud thump the old wooden door shook, silencing everyone

It was the 6.4' zombie; it screamed gathering the dust and old paint came off, scaring the crap out of everyone. hruday who was pushing the door, got others to help support the door They prayed to every god they could think of to make this monster go away or this nightmare come to an end

The monster zombie banged three consecutive times, each bang making everyone's heart cling to it, but got distracted by someone outside After a long silence, hruday, whose heartbeat was beating wildly in a chaotic rhythm and whose mind was overthinking, came to a halt and signaled to barricade using their long wooden benches They hesitated as it would cause sound, but he started picking it up. Scared, everyone helped slowly; they barricaded the main door

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