Moronic blunder

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It was someone else's blood freaking out. hruday screamed "aahh... shit! "and kept cursing while looking back. it stopped with him shoving a zombie's mouth with his arm "Eat, eat, you fu*k." It ended with a couple more pushes and kicks, comparatively, with a big scream saying, "F*cking hell, stop clenching on me." A similar thing occurred with Michael Roy, comparatively lucky, unlike his friends, near the compound, luckily fully intact, even though the helicopter crashed near its vicinity.

Thanks to the crash of the helicopter, it killed some of the zombies that were near it. Reaching the big 7-foot wall, they all tried to climb simultaneously. Roy helped Michal; his eyes were wet, holding the tiers from streaming down

Hruday shouted, "Why the f are you following us?" he asked as skinny Tory ahh, let's go! Hruday was ignored after Michael climbed, and everyone was able to climb. Michal asked, "Where is John!!??"

Roy: "You guys were busy running straight; he went that way.".

sh*t! I am worried, man. Michal said

Roy said with heavily suppressed emotion that it was on the verge of exploding, making it sound watery, giving away his emotion for those who were sensitive enough to pay attention to his tone in the chaos:

Roy finally said, taking time to swallow the pain, " Don't worry. I looked back. He ran safe. There were only a few zombies.". Now he couldn't control his emotions anymore. He cried while standing on the wall.

Hruday tensed, looking at the distance at a particular spot on the ground, thinking about something for a second. He said, "What happened, Roy? Did you get bitten, Roy??"?

Roy said, his voice a blend of hatred and sorrow: "Didn't I tell you not to wish for those things? You have a black tongue. Look, what is this? losing loved ones."

Hruday tried to calm him down with concern that he couldn't have him break down:" Don't worry about your parents right now. I am sure they are alive. let's be positive! and survive"

Troy:" Ah, guys, I think we should run right now. Looking around, there were a couple of zombies running toward them.".

Roy:" Shit run"!!!

As they circled in the vicinity of the hospital garden and the doctor's houses, hiding and shaking off perusing zombies, they finally stopped and noticed Michael's bag clanking.

Roy said frustratedly, "Hey, Dumbass, why did you carry everything?"

Hruday said, trying to calm Roy, "Ahh, well, you know that's for good. "Michael, by any chance, did you bring old coins to brag about?"

Seeing this, Roy sighed and took a few deep breaths.

Michael was nervously silent, realizing what was going to occur, and said yes.

Roy understood the idea. and asked Michael if he had that metal geometric box too, in a disinterested, objective tone.

Michael, "What!!" Understanding their intentions, Michal asked a little gloomily, "Should I use now?" Roy, "No, just use your notebooks to cover them and make sure I don't hear that clanking sound ever again."

Michael didn't know why Roy was so irritated and angry; his thoughts came to a halt as he saw Tory

A hand gripped tightly on Troy's shoulders, and Troy screamed, "Wohh f*ck!" A doctor who held his shoulders tightly said, Shit! shut up, kid

Hruday quickly made a fist and reached for his backpack to take out the wooden leg, only to find that Roy had already taken it. Looking at the doctor, his white cloth was sprayed with crimson blood, with bite marks everywhere. His clefs were almost eaten.

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