Michael's suspicions

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 I am sorry I am late uploading this because I was making the trailer for this novel.

He met her, remembering exactly what he had to say but recollecting Roy's tease, which made him remember how he had saved her from the bathroom, making him feel weird and nervous But it all stopped when he saw her crying, sitting in a corner and he quickly turned around and went outside.

he came back after a while and came straight into the topic, saying, "I wanted to discuss my plan Could you bring

the department members to my room"?

she nodded coldly and said her sharp eyes appeared at him Could you tell me the reason for calling? Hruday felt a little bit offended by how cold she was to him but she wasn't like that on the first day when he saved her. Dude, if I had come 10 minutes later, she would have been dead

then her face changed into neutral, emotionless He sighed. Hruday thought to himself, "why is she so arrogant, If I had come 10 minutes later to rescue her, she would have died there; maybe not",

I need to be understanding Is she like this because she lost her family? That thought also made him sting somewhere, which he successfully avoided from getting big and making him remember something he didn't want to not now because he could weep all day after securing his safety he didn't know if it was true or a lie that he kept telling to making sure he was busy so that guilt wouldn't kill him He didn't delve on that because he could feel the whispers of guild reaching Why did he make them suffer? why did he...

he also said, Hey, you see, I was thinking of making a box near the girl's building, Ah, never mind. He said, Sophia, who heard it, said I have taken care of it No need to worry. He didn't know what she thought it was; he didn't care because the tone annoyed him and made him think I really hadn't seen her at all Is she even an apartment resident?

Sophia clenched her stomach a little while Hruday was going, and then after a while, everyone came, and Hruday said, getting straight to the point, "I need your help. Well, let me tell you 3 things I wish to discuss."

The first one is about my plan to rescue survivor Roy's father and then take supplies from the supermarket and convenience store

The second one is to ask for opinions. I have a plan that will help people It will be fun It is about killing all mosquitoes

last. This one, that is related to the first one, is that I want more volunteers to rescue

reasoning about the last one made everyone look at him

So let's start with my plan to rescue.

For it to work, we need long, thick wall moltoves and crackers. This made everyone more attentive, especially Sophia and the restaurant leader, although for different restaurants

but the scout leader said after calculating, not wanting out, many blatantly discard his plan and look like a bad guy, although he felt it was stupid to move outside, risking many lives to save one life "Aren't we rushing too much"? "We just rescued one today." Others supported this. Even Mark felt that it was too fast but didn't express it

but Shopia said, "No. We need to save as many as possible when we can". "If we had saved Mohan (the electrical guy), he would have died now."

Mark, who first suppressed the desire to stand against it, said "Yes, but it's not you who are fighting to put life on the line and getting fatigued".

"A slight delay while reacting could kill us all". "We can't kill ourselves because of somebody who didn't even kill one of them Do you have any idea how many we killed? Do you even know how many of them are out there"?

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