The run for destination

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Hruday was troubled to answer. Of course, he knew going with an adult felt more reassuring; they had communicated so well that he felt his friends would go with saloon guys. Although their route was far, it had the safety of a van and a bunch of adults. There was a higher chance that everyone would be influenced in a bad way. He bit a nail, which Roy noticed.

He felt their team would break apart. It seemed that his friends trusted him because of his new aura of determination and the short route, coupled with familiar face trust and the location of their houses being in the same direction, which led his classmate to agree to come with him.

Pondering about this outcome, he sighed and thought, I needed to stop overthinking unnecessary things. They are all my friends.'

They started to gather materials and make weapons with a few duds at first.
Today's group had to choose their weapons: a fire extinguisher, a mop that is turned into a spare, a flame-thrower that is just an upgraded version of the existing flame torch that was brought to make trendy flame cuts, and some duds that were more like a one-hit-use thing or a burden.
Hruday thought for a while that the flame thrower wasn't going to burn zombies.

but it could probably scare them like animals. It wasn't worth a gamble, so he thought he got up and hopped around to increase blood flow, remembering the goat character and choosing the extinguisher, but before that, he made it look like he was really interested in the flame thrower.

He didn't know if his stunt worked or not, but he didn't want the extinguisher to leave; it had two uses in one. After that, they divided themselves into two groups: one going by car and another traveling by foot.

Well, the world wasn't always that kind. Although they agreed to distract and lure zombies, they weren't going to drop them, risking their lives as they had to leave some behind to drop them.
The plan was simple. Today's group had to climb up to the top through a huge window and guide them safely toward their van.

Climbing up, they saw the brutality of the situation they were experiencing: blood trails, hungry human-figured beasts, munched on mutilated corpses and crushed poles, and broken compound walls. Some guy was still clenching to life trying to get out of his car.

But a jeep went in full speed, crushing through the infected with smoke and blood and a hungry beast looking for the next prayer. It was the apocalypse that was predicted and mentioned in the holy scriptures—the judgment day where the dead rose.

Hruday sighed along with Roy He was looking at hruday house in the distance and adjusting their plan. they looked around prominent buildings, calculating all the variables that could affect them, such as the solutions for those

He made a rough plan that was to jump from their building to the old abandoned college ground behind them, then to the bar building. There was a risk here as well. because to reach the bar or the building near it, they have to cross the road that connects The hospital and, more importantly, the autorickshaw and bus stand that is Just beside the road, meaning they would rush over within minutes once exposed They have to climb pipes before the zombies reach.

Hruday turned back to where the abandoned college grounds were. He noticed people there but ignored them. He had finally made a concrete plan.

Hruday said with confidence, "We will go back to the ground slowly till we pass this dammed hotspot and try to lure zombies out of our route right now if possible. After that, we ran with maximum speed to the back of the building near the bar and climbed up through the pipes or staircase. and if we couldn't climb up the pipe, we would climb the compound and jump to see if we could go to the church building, which probably wasn't safe as there was some kind of function in the church hall before all this had happened.

We go to the dunk-hidden spot. I hope no infected will be there waiting for us when we slowly come down from the building."

Troy had a lot of questions: Was that spot the "infamous smoke spot" that high schoolers used, and wasn't it just beside the bar? How will they go there?"

Looking at Troy, he said what he was saying: worst, we have to jump from a building, jumping from one ventilator to another or windows into that spot, easy.

Michal looked at hruday, a guy who was lazy and hated playing and working out, suddenly talking about jumping. He even survived; he was sure that Troy's and Harry's legs were going to break, or at least make them incapable of running for a while. God save us.

Look, they are moving. Hruday picked up the fragile mirror and showed the saloon guy right, which meant zombies were on the right only, and they could see the reflection of the mirror, although this wasn't proper as it was also reflecting the sun..

The saloon owner slowly moved, hiding behind a car. Suddenly, Aunty, now showing her inner self in the fruit store, wanted to move out. Shocked, he picked up his paper and rubber band, shooting right at the neck of one of them. Although it reached a different target, it worked as long as it caught their attention. He showed left as Michael was scribbling, and then they delivered the map to them as soon as possible.

Although they understood the poorly drawn map, Michael was grateful for Hruday's idea and plan and his blunder of still caring for the books.

They guided them safely, but a little bit haphazardly, as Anut seemed to doubt or smell some fruity pomegranates to munch on.

They left, attracting all The zombies to catch them, only to stop after a while, which Hruday made a mental note of and jumped behind He felt a sting in his leg, like someone had pulled his leg nerves.

Massaging it, they slowly walked to the huge compound that was full of carved holdings done by locals to enter the closed college grounds. This included night-drink enthusiasts,

Hruday's side was filled with beer glasses, creating harmony between kids and adults, night to adults, and day to kids or players. Even some parents didn't complain about it, as that would mean they would lose ground, and they had to keep their little devil and big beast caged. This was a near-safe option to see glass bottles. Hruday took Michael's coin collection and climbed up to the west side of the compound with Roy's assistance.

He proceeded to climb on the metal sheet that was the roof of the auto stand. hruday heart was filled with anxiety, as was Roy's, as every cranking sound not only attracted zombies' attention but scared them as they were standing on top of zombies. There was no way they would survive if the steel sheet roof decided to breach. Another fear was getting spotted by the hospital zombies, but fortunately, they weren't spotted by any zombies.

He brought his metal geometry and coins and threw them as far as possible from their route. The metal box hit the road, and coins splattered, making clinging, glimmering sounds. before any zombies could spot them. They jumped back.

Hruday also passed some empty beer bottles to his friends to store Gripping the hold, they climbed a huge wall. Peeping around, in front lay a small 2-story-long building, and to its left,

a huge church compound; on its right, a huge Basel-mission hospital crowded with zombies Fear gripped their hearts as they could become visible to one or two, but that was enough to end their lives, as the rest would follow. Slowly descending from the compound, they all ran without saying anything.

Reaching the building, they hid in a tight space, trying to enter, and they heard a low growl.

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