fighting to expand boundaries

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He then dismissed everyone by telling them that he talked about how they should get most of the work done by telling them that he was best. Hurday realizing that the conversation was turning into group debate and discussion, concluded and said, "All right, you guys can eat something on your own but we can not waste time so you are only allowed to cook at night.

We will all cook together; be cautioned people to leave together." He was afraid they might horde food, lock themselves, or start to think it was their house, leading to complications later on

how they could share each other's work but the work should be done mandatorily He mainly said it because he knew the burden of using mechanical tailoring machines, which caused heat to the body, such as increasing piles, blockage, etc He thought it would not only avoid complaints of not having free time but also increase productivity, as stitching a pile of cloths wasn't hard to learn but it did raise yet another problem, and he didn't want to think about it, so he prioritized crafting group so that other group would help them after their work.

It was late night already... And Hruday wanted to make something delicious so that everyone would feel satisfied. He wanted to cook by himself not only because he loved to cook but also because he wanted them to see him cooking because this was his plan to establish himself as a mentor and his friends as leaders. He had doubts and fears that he wasn't skilled enough and was too young, even though he was confident in his thinking. others would still doubt him. How could anybody not question this young man, who looks like he's barely 18?

He looked around the food section, which was arranged expiry date-wise, and picked up a little bit but felt nervous. He didn't realise that there were 14 people now and cooking for that many was out of his league. He called his aunt, whom he got to know in crafting group She felt motherly He didn't know why he felt that way because she was like his mother, though she didn't look like that at all. His mom was pretty and fit or he just wanted to fill the void by associating her with his mother or it was because of the stereotypical type of mom being either skinny or fat in his locality.

Whatever it was, he simply asked her and helped her with his friends Some offered help but he refused, saying the house was full and trying to decline in a funny way

After that He slept exhausted, he woke up to distant chatter. He looked up at the clock and said,

Shit, how did 6:30 turn into 9? For a second, he thought it was a dream, but he was still late. He finished cleaning himself and quickly got out. Ah, I should have woke up at the right time, but lucky for me, it seemed everyone was still doing their work as discussed. It was all thanks to his friends and Mark. It seemed like his natural talent for making friends made him relatable

At the same time, he felt exhausted just when he talked with everyone Every time he talked to unknown or not-so-close people, he didn't feel much when he talked about plans and tried to give a speech He felt weird; he knew he was introverted but why didn't he feel drained when he talked about plans? He didn't know; maybe he felt

He went to work, shifting unnecessary furniture and staking them in one house He wanted people to buy furniture as a luxury item and he wanted to make leaving the house as hard as possible. It helped kill zombies if someone turned, as everyone wore a mask so it wouldn't be easy to eat one another. He also wanted to use it to promote collecting and exploring outside the compound Overall, it wasn't efficient to keep them separate

He asked for the list of items available and made sure that everyone had the same quantity of food in their houses. In each house, there were 4 members, two small reserves of food, and one widow. In total, 3 houses were now occupied by people, excluding the 2 real residents who locked themselves

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