beginning of new era part 2

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the giant begger's whitish eyes were frantically darting around as he was sniffing the air like a person who had caught a cold and trying to stop his running nose

attendant looking at them in the distance, disgusted, called out loud, "Hey, not there"; "There are students If you are here for a cleaning, come meet H.M. here at the office. Come follow me."

The H.M. attainder thinks, "What happened to our school? She said she would bring female workers, and what is this? Is it a publicity stunt giving jobs to beggars, or is she eating funds without us? I need to leverage this."

"Will these guys even work in our dust-filled rooms? One guy is sick? The other guy is so skinny he won't even be able to lift our old chairs. what a useless combination!"

As he was approaching, he felt their pace get faster to match it; he also walked faster, Just as it got too fast, he slightly turned around to complain, and he realized they were there for no good after looking at their faces up close, their whitish eyes full of malice and hunger.

He Ran fast. What are they? (Are they here to rob or another terrorist attack?)

Mam!! MAM who are they? HM: Hey, calm down. What happened !!? the attendant said in a raspy voice Mam, did you recruit beggars?

H.M: what? I didn't recruit any beggars Cutting through the H.M., the attendee said
mam! I am going to close doo... wohh, stop ahhh!!!

At that time, she witnessed a part of "what is called the true horror"... "and the beginning of true misery.". world of carnage

She screamed as if she were "breaking her vocal cords, her legs shaking." she saw those beings who were eating her alive The teacher who came to complain watched this and immediately vomited and lost consciousness

And then, as if this were a chain reaction to the disaster, the same thing was happening in multiple places: sleeping students and people in the classroom started causing chaos, with some trying to bite teachers' boobs and some biting into their necks.

Everyone felt that something was wrong, and in some normal classroom, students rushed to help the teacher. They were more likely to watch drama but some sensed an incoming threat because of the severity of the scream

Over here, hruday shook involuntarily and gave him goosebumps for unknown reasons. He felt paranoid and started to analyze and think it might be a terrorist attack. "No, but there was no, gunfire so robbers." Then he remembered that a wild cheetah had escaped, which he had seen in the news It must be that or whatever it was, we need to close doors and check

he stood up and told everyone, "It's a wild beast from the news. Everyone, close the doors."

Crowd: huh? "Is he stupid, How can a wild cheetah come here out of nowhere??" "No, what if it got out while transporting or something?"

Shravan led a few tall guys toward the office room
Even before hruday started to convince Shravan not to go, his group went and the skinny guy named Troy also followed them towards the left, where H.M.'s office was located They moved quickly, then suddenly stopped as they saw 2 men covered in blood and eating the flesh

They screamed, then ran back to the class and heard another voice of man, ahhh!! Hey crazy? At that time, hruday and their group moved towards the staff room Although hruday insisted on not going, their group was going to split, so he followed them as they were halfway there. Hearing the screams for the teacher's room, they quickened their pace, running towards the end of one side

Screams of warning came "Students don't come outside no matter what," said another voice. "Run terrorists." "Monsters."

Hruday: shit shit! let's go back to the class Although they were near the teacher's room, everyone didn't hesitate to run towards their class, but they couldn't reach it as they were 20 feet away till their destination

as Shravan and his friends get into class, they try to close the doors Everyone asks what happened—was there really a cheetah?
Shravan replied in a hurry yeah it's Cheetah. and quickly closed the door and said, block it, guys, don't make noise

Class leader Samuel: "Hey, what about hruday and others?" Sravan Studerening said, Ah, the monster no cheetah got them.

Class leader Samuel, who was clearly confused, asked, "WWhat? What monster?" he replied in a loud voice Sravan said in a hushed voice Hey, lower your voice, man

Sravan explains the situation, however, topper Sam can't just believe; it doesn't allow to believe due to the situation He believes that there is some threat out there but doesn't believe in Sravan, who always traps others And then Bot hears a noise. Hey, Sravan opens up the door.

Outside the classroom

As the Sravan and their friends got inside and closed the door, hruday felt hopeless grip his heart. In his hopelessness, he cursed him without thinking anything about him or the situation he was in. They felt trapped, not knowing where to go As they were running, they heard an inhuman sound (cgh, chrgrree) from both sides Michael was in complete disbelief and shock-cursed, guys.

Then everyone was stunned, drowning in fear of the unknown; they couldn't believe the situation they were in and the dumb decision they had made



The school where Huday studies is structured in the shape of a U, with two floors accommodating various classrooms, offices, and facilities. Hruday's classroom is situated on the lower left side of the curve, providing a partial view of the central courtyard.

On the ground floor, classrooms are arranged along both sides of the U-shaped building, with administrative offices such as the Headmaster's (H.M.) office located near the front entrance. Hruday's class is positioned towards the front side of the building, providing convenient access to the main entrance The distance between Huday's class and the H.M. office is approximately 30 feet

The internal ground the hollow part of the building serves as a gathering space for students during break times and assemblies. outside is divided into 3 sub-grounds: a lower ground near the main entrance (just opposite the HM office), which extends to the main school gate on the left side, and upper grounds on the right of the U-shaped structure. Here, primary children and the primary school are located further down in grounds

Additionally, the school includes a cafeteria and assembly area located on the hollow side of the building, adjacent to the central courtyard. This multi-purpose space serves as a dining area during meal times and can also accommodate school-wide events and gatherings. 

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