day after the escape

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Waking up, everyone savored the movement of silence and freshness coupled with the sense of security they were lazing around making weapons Hruday, who woke up late, didn't mind it. He cooked without using a pressure cooker and made breakfast with his cluttered knowledge. Thankfully,

he it was delightful He made puliyogare classic sour breakfast, which, after feasting it up, he delivered some to his brothers

Hruday felt refreshed; there were no nightmares exhaustion, no body aches and he didn't get an asthma attack. The Irony was that all those things were gone, only to make his day into a nightmare

He shook off his false sense of safety as he looked outside. Out of habit, he looked at what a perfect apocalypse would look like: bugs on dead bodies, some still getting feasted and a desolate atmosphere of crashed, mangled cars straight out of scrap yards, busted trucks, and cars crashed into a store, trapping a zombie with it and these almost made him puke as he remembered the blood and watched those dried blood imagining made him feel their pain Getting your knees rubbed to across the road that wouldn't be painless dead, which one of them died better? was getting dragged by their cars, mashing their face worse than or getting battered by a car so hard that their body were almost severed but not enough to die quickly, only to be eaten by zombies he didn't know and didn't want to know

His weird ability to feel deep sensations from strange things like this made it worse, it was as if he could feel almost pain-like sensations from his knees He felt getting dragged on the road was worse

He came back from the kitchen and explained the importance of luring the zombies out or clearing the apartment.

The plan was to lure them out or trap them in a small house which was half-assed, and if not careful, one could get trapped with zombies as they didn't know if zombies could climb up in chimneys. They also had to assume that Michael's so-called expertness in climbing was true, as Michael sucked at climbing just a year ago

More than everything, this was the real world, where shit didn't go as planned, and moreover, nobody really wanted to leave safe haven, but they barely managed to get inside without getting eaten Now they had to leave outside to get eaten That was exactly how troy felt, whereas Roy knew the importance, but it was really hard to fight against fear and primal instincts

Michal was almost crying, whispering, "Why? although they explained how the future could be more difficult to survive and the possibility of zombies getting all their senses back or mutating, it was still hard to move outside knowing that you might die or, much worse, become one of them For Michael, he felt both were the same, even though hruday tried to motivate him by saying that he could be rewarded by the army. He even would let him become leader, but Michael didn't believe in him and said, "Ya, for that, I need to be alive."

And I feel like you guys plan on using me as a bait worm to get your rewards No thanks, I don't want to die

"Ahh", Hruday was clearly pissed. "Can they understand we hardly have 1 month of rice and 1 week of vegetables?" "They won't even last 3 days if we don't use them sparingly. We don't even know how the future is going to be "

Tory absolutely didn't want to go but couldn't argue, as these 3 guys wouldn't hesitate to flunk him out if he became direct He supported Michael's attempt to subtly change the outcome, "Why don't we wait a few days first?" "Who knows, Things might change."

3 of them said in unison, "Exactly," although because of different interpretation

Hruday said, "Exactly We don't know what might happen in the future."

Michal: "Yeah, that's why we should wait Maybe the zombies will starve to death or die without being able to spread You know, like viruses, they produce defects, and once..."

Hruday Roy, controlling their urges, waited until his voice grew silent.

Hruday said, Look, see only a few good things, and if want me to list bad things such as animal zombies, zombies getting stronger, nukes, viruses spreading through air, viruses infecting food, land, thieves, murderers... the list goes on and on

Roy said So, Michael, you know how probability works, right? If so, don't be scared Where was the brave guy who always called me a bi*h?

Michael, hearing this, said, "I was just kind of curious to see what Tom would say. That's all"

Sighing, hruday remembered magnet mechanic Michal, who always lied to prove he was superior or equal, as once when they were children, he had claimed he had 1 bag full of magnets Although he was creative and inventive, making new things from scrap yards materials, due to being, he always pretended to be what he wasn't. It was all funny but now, after realizing this, hruday feels sad and nostalgic He also felt he was weirdly becoming more intelligent, no more like awake.

Tory wanted to retort but couldn't just as he opened his mouth Roy, who noticed this, said, " You don't get to say sh*t. You are lucky that we let you stay, even though you betrayed us." "Right hruday",


They geared up They were prepared for battle with the same paper wraps, a new improved spear, and a baseball bat with nails imbued in it, though the latter was slightly cracked.

hruday was ready with his fire extinguisher. Michael specially stole the helmet from Troy, saying, Hey, I might become a bait and Troy said you want to be living bait that survives only to be reused

Puft you are!

No more like reusable bait, Roy said, enhancing Troy's joke

Hey I won't do it if you guys utter another word

hruday said Ahh, I forgot to mention we will have those brothers joining us As a safe point, he tried to make a joke but failed

Ya, we delivered the message and time we knew it would take 1 hour to convince you Roy commented as Michael and Troy's eyes glowed with hope

They slowly opened and locked the door so that little push wouldn't open As they absorbed, these zombies were dumb for their own good, thanking god

They slowly headed with Roy on the lead, with hruday right on his back, and Troy at last dissipated, only to be frightened as they were greeted by the zombie, which Michael had pushed off the floor before, standing with a broken neck and the creepiest smile they ever witnessed. Everyone's froze

Roy's brain stopped working, but Michal's fear made his brain work in reverse He went forward, screaming and swinging his bat, saying, die, die, you scary illusion

Troy's body shivered and turned back to flee Tory screamed as he saw a huge, fat zombie coming towards him

this was the queue and disaster as Roy kicked and ran; they couldn't do anything according to plan as it seemed zombies seemed to know their plan and waited for them

after few minutes

Troy Scread cursed and said, "shit shit I knew they were going to use me as bait; it was all a facade fuck fuck I even positioned myself at the back, ready to run back"

Please circle around and meet me near the next building Hruday screamed as he was trying to make the plan work he ran circles around every building, cursing

fuck fuck this is nerving fuck why do I have to do this nooo take this bastard he swang he extinguisher using its cable to deal maximum damage shit I shouldn't use it like this hruday thought I need to calm down and scream more Dammit

fuck that scared sh*t out of me Eat this. He ran 2 circles on the building and moved to another There were 6 buildings in total, with the last 2 being far away.

Michael, meanwhile, die die die... starts to kill as he has fewer zombies compared to others, and then Troy joins Michael. Please help, I can't run crap

no no, no no stay away I am not ready

they circled around 2 buildings, not being able to approach their building They had no choice but to run

hruday, who was out of breath and felt if he pushed a little more, his asthma would trigger, Just as he couldn't run, the brother came to his rescue with their hockey bats and rackets, fully covered in by multiple long clothes


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