various ways of communication

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after reaching the narrow space in the back of the building, Tory climbed up to the wall with Roy and Michael.

Tory, who was checking if they could go to church, had a look of disappointment and disgust Roy discerned that and pointed towards the wall and started climbing the pipe, understanding they all slowly climbed up the building through its pipes, and somehow, holding their breaths, they came to the first floor only to find more zombies well hruday would have climbed up directly but to their horror the pipe was shaking and started to come off so they somehow descended on the first floor by going all the way around Honestly, it was frightening to the point that everyone felt dizzy just from the amount of blood and various emotion that their brain was receiving to the point it couldn't process that many emotion focusing on pure adrenaline and fear making them feel dizzy

reaching the floor, they looked around, hoping that zombies wouldn't come rushing at them but that was exactly what had occurred Hruday pulled out his glass bottles and threw them on their sides, making them look towards one another but not all were blind It seemed few still came running towards them, he kept throwing the bottles. It was a mistake made due to fear, but he felt he wasn't fast and did too much thinking, Due to that, he noticed the zombies not growling at them but he had to be faster to survive

Everyone jumped up on the iron ventilator box [AC compressor box] and jumped on a window As Hruday and Troy were last, it seemed that the air conditioner was on its last strand This tensed Hruday, who was really anxious by how the ventilator shook and made noise when Michael jumped.

Troy pushed back Hruday by his elbows and jumped up from the ventilator box Hruday's heart skipped a beat Time felt slow, but he was fast As he tried to push the air ventilator, it toppled down. His heart sank literally as his body fell,

but he somehow managed to grip the broken, rusted stand of the now-fallen ac ventilator. The broken rusty rod was buried into his skin, but he couldn't leave it.

He looked down at all the zombies waiting for him to lose his grip and some zombies from upside which were chasing him fell off trying to eat him hruday mustered all his strength and pushed his leg against the wall, jumping to the next small platform in the window shade Then he took a small rest, climbed up and sat down, glaring holes towards the troy

After climbing up from 2 windows and the weird feeling the building had up, Roy checked his injury, and Michael said, I thought you were going to die; damit,

Tory was averting his eyes and said, Yes, me too. Hruday thought I will kill you. He shook his head of dark thought and glared at Tory, who was looking around

Then he looked down to find the secret spot filled with struggling survivors getting bitten by zombies. It took a long time for them to turn They just watched silently. Michael was far behind the edge hearing ceaseless sounds losing all hope slucking.

then the ceaseless sound was broken by a guy with a suv who came from the left of Hruday's vision and crashed into a bus backing him. He struggled to make a path crowded with zombies and vehicles

He struggled, then was struck, and then he saw a bunch of teens on a building. He screamed at the top of his lungs and said, "Don't worry." From that far, he might have broken his vocal cord, then he drove around pressing the horn, and finally, his car stopped struggling to start again. Everyone's heart sank

But because of that noise, the secret pit was free of zombies Then they slowly dispersed and ran from the backside of every building till they reached a nearby apartment but now they were being chased by zombies, and the entrance gate was locked

They could just open it in that situation and take a planned route Roy was familiar with the apartment, but the other 2 weren't. After running with all their might, to the compound It wasn't huge, just over 5 feet, but due to the pit made for rainwater to flow, it was difficult for Tory and Hruday to climb; Michael did with little to no struggle, while Tory and Hruday, who climbed at the same time as Michael, still couldn't reach, Troy and hruday were praying at this point because they weren't able to use their hand strength; their arms and fingers felt like gelly, not being able to exert any grip on the compound. After the help of Michael and Roy,

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