after "math"

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completely unedited absolutely unreadable just uploaded for the sake of commitment

Hruday was waiting, contemplating Roy, who finally noticed after his mental research to find the origin, joined him to discuss with hruday and give him company, while Michael, who didn't care about those things because he had hruday walking regression, just wanted to support him

The night passed rather fast as they discussed their nightmares and how to deal with it with the veteran of nightmares. They finally slept at 1:00, watching the unmoving horde

They were all woken up by mark they tried to get some more time to sleep by asking but mark seemed to be serious so leaving the supply inside the building they all went and streangly micheal was asking if they are forgetting something multipule times and if they need to be prepared after reaching the appatment building they were shocked to see zombies roming around

Micheal was first one to reat what should we do hruday

Hruday who had no idea what to do at this point his anger was going of the roof because he couldn't stop his nightmare and couldn't lucid dream he didn't say anything and just ran towords the saiers remembering mark folled his inhurry saying him to stop

And he stopped checking if his paper armor was still in place he just ran around the apartment kigking and pushing all zombies as he was running around he noticed that these zxombies weren't survivers rather they are from the horde it had come from the south end and northest end of the apartment where there was a underground hole and in north it was the circle moving gate which was blocked so he ran around gathering them in one place then mark and other survivers throw all the moltov they had and came rushing in with their wepon there were only few 20 at most so they were all quickly dealt with then he knocked on all doors finding some survivers turned really made him fell frustrated but thanks to his preqation and them following it by wareing mask and helmate it was safe

After some morning for the dead, he moved all the supplies and asked shophia to make list Then he went and started exercising, thinking that he wouldn't have done without motivation videos and music He went in extra hard and looked out his kitchen. There were still zombies, but it was relatively less since it seemed most had moved somewhere once again

Then he took his bag and opened the supplies that he kept for himself without anyone knowing because all of them were rare luxuries

He had 10 pack of 10 grams of saffron, totaling 100 grams of saffron, which was enough for him to last a year or two. He didn't know how long exactly it would last.

Then he had 1 kg pack of all kinds of dry fruits except raspberry, 2 packs of gulkand (honey and elaichi mixed with rose petals), and 2 500ml chyawanprash by Dabur. It is an immunity booster jam made from a combination of plant and root with jaggery and honey

So, from now on, was going to eat those daily as breakfast This was an advantage of an apocalypse, and health products are free if you are determined to get them. He didn't get more in order not to raise suspicions as his bag would bulge too much but he was going to distribute it to those who fought

All this time, he didn't have to do it; he didn't have to be fit and healthy but now it wasn't an option, not unless he was trying to survive

He chose this as breakfast because in morning you will absorb more nutrition than at night and he needed that

His former self wouldn't be Able to eat half the contents daily but now he could. He also knew why rich looked younger because they ate good food rather than genetically modified crap made for mass for profit

He sighed as he could just eat these; he had to eat neem and turmeric paste with poh ha tea and some coriander seeds Tulasi and couple other things which he didn't know the name of but were always given whenever he had sore throat or any kind of infection so he brewed the modified poh ha tea at this point; it wasn't a poh ha tea anymore; it didn't taste good at all and he had made too much so he pored all into a 5-liter container, added water to the brim and boiled it, then put it into his flask, as he had 2 flasks, and it fit in perfectly

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