facing the uncomfortable

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Upon waking up, Hruday felt a parched sensation in his throat. With a groggy head, he moved towards and reached for the glass of water that was on the stone slab, lifting it to his lips. As the cool liquid trickled down his throat, he noticed an unusual tint to the watercolor. Frowning, he spat some out, watching as it splattered against the sink.

Then he did his daily check on the zombies outside the window. There, amidst the desolate streets, stood a lone figure—a zombie, its grotesque face grin stretching unnaturally wide as it fixed its gaze on him. A chill crept down Hruday's spine as he realized zombies might have attacked his base.

Heart pounding, he stumbled out into the hallway, towards the main door. Reaching the balcony, he turned the corner, and his worst fears were realized: his friends were all turned into zombies, all turned into the very monsters they had fought so hard to evade. Panic surged within him, urging him to flee. To escape this nightmare, he asked himself, Is this real? He hoped "surely someone would be alive.".

Racing back into the safety of his apartment, the hruday's frantic gaze fell upon the glass of water one more time. Its yellowish-red hue sent a shiver down his spine, a sickening realization dawning upon him. Could it be contaminated? Could this tainted liquid be the cause of their downfall? with this impending doom of a realization,

he rubbed his tongue with his fingers all the way up to his throat. Terrified, he vomited, and then he saw Roy coming towards him, feeling groggy. Yesterday, I suddenly asked in a panic, did you drink the water!!?,

Roy, who was perplexed, said, Wait, no, like, are you asking, did I drink now or yesterday? he said as his heart throbbed. Suddenly, hruday felt that the world around him seemed to warp and distort, the colors blending into a nightmarish tableau of reds and blacks. Desperation clawed at his chest as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, his vision swimming in a sea of ominous hues.

He heard the muffled noise of the alarmed voice of Roy, hruday clenching his teeth. He tried to vomit everything

Just as the darkness threatened to engulf him entirely, a hand shook his shoulder, jolting him awake from his fevered dream. Blinking rapidly, he found himself back in the safety of reality, his friend's concerned face hovering above him.

"Are you alright?" his friend asked, voice tinged with worry.

With a shaky breath, hruday said It didn't stop. Today, he took out his notebook and started writing his dream Then, flipping the book backward, he wrote his new project idea: making a rain harvest system and using corporate water to increase underground water. He tried not to use corporate water, making sure to boil water every time they drank

He also made a rough sketch that only he and God could understand. Sighing, he stood up and looked at Roy, who silently observed his frantic behavior, thinking, Does he have PTSD?

"No, he mentioned that these dreams were coming before the world turned into an apocalypse He sure is a staio-type crazy genius, huh?" "I mean, writing ideas in a book could be okay now that he is even trying to analyze his dreams," and man, how can he have so many ideas in 2 days? There are at least 10 pages with his ideas. I probably I shouldn't have looked without permission, though.".

looking at Roy, who was busy thinking and analyzing his friend's problems, ahh, it's just a dream diary; I am trying to explore myself, and it is good for your brain You should do it too

Roy haha Okay, man, I will try but it's hard even to keep one journal diary. I don't know about two. I will try to keep my journal. This is my 15th try

Hruday said Haha, I guess even I couldn't do it continuously at first, but I started because I had to stop these noises. If I show it to a psychiatrist, he might be able to analyze it

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