Fanfic Review: My trust was blown away

87 1 1

Type Of Story: Original, I think?

Author: dm_disney_fanfics

Story Rating Estimation: PG

Reads: 102

Votes: 18

Comments: not sure


So I'm writing this on my insta account but I will also put it on here for you and Paige and josh aren't related in this so keep that in mind

Suggested If: you like stories with short chapters

My Review: Okay...honestly...I'm not sure what I even read. The chapters were short and choppy and one minute Paige and Chloe are going to the beach and the next minute Chloe is dead with literally no explanation whatsoever. I just...I'm not sure how I'm supposed to think tbh

Note to Author: um

Rating (1-5): 0

Other Note: Who's Maddie?

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