Fanfic Review: Schoolyard (Zayn Malik)

26 2 1

Type Of Story: 1D

Author: maddiepie97

Story Rating Estimation: PG-13

Reads: 1,481

Votes: 128

Comments: ...

Description: "Watching you get dressed; messes with my head. Take that bag off your shoulder. Don't play innocent, I know what you meant when you said you'd come over. Aren't we past that? Playing hard to get, we did that when we were

Suggested If: you want to read a short, completed fic

My Review: The plot is kinda cute, but it doesn't really have a 'wow!' factor. Like, there's nothing that really makes it stand out from other stories, and that might be way it only has a thousand reads as opposed to 100,000 or hell, even 10,000. I like your chapter lengths and your grammar is pretty decent, but your spelling could use some work-there were quite a few spelling errors throughout the story. Overall, I'd definitely edit some, but it's a decent fic.

Note to Author: Congrats on completing it!

Rating (0-5): 3

Other Note: I graduate in 2016 too o.o it's scary to think about lol

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