Fanfic Review: Indigo

30 2 1

Type of Story: 1D

Author: Mariecx

Story Rating Estimation: PG-13

Reads: 203

Votes: 32

Comments: 33

Description: Where he's obsessed with skies and she's named after the color.


Indigo and Harry swear their love upon the ever blue sky. But, what happens when winter comes along and everything changes?

Trailer by: @elyana_malik

Cover by: @niaill

Suggested If: You want to read a cute, fluffy story

My Review: The plot is a little hard to judge right now with only a few chapters, but I really like it! I think I like Castle De Styles a little more because of the suspense, but this fic seems cute and fluffy :) once again, there are a few spelling mistakes, but overall your grammar and spelling is pretty good. Overall, I have high hopes for this fic as well!

Rating (0-5): 3 (don't mind the average rating, it's just because there are so few chapters at the moment)

Other Notes: Sorry for the short review, short stories are sometimes hard to write about!

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