Fanfic Review: SoulMates

47 2 0

Type Of Story: 5SOS/1D

Author: PTVcottoncandy

Story Rating Estimation: PG-13

Reads: 1.9K

Votes: 159

Comments: ...

Description: Everyone in this world has a soulmate. Once They are about five years old they have to get an injection but this one is mandatory, you may not think it is but it definitely is. Once They're Ten Years Old That's When An Ink Shows Up On Their Wrist. It Says A Name and That Name Belongs To Your SoulMate. Niall and Lily are soulmates they have passed by each other and they share two classes with each other but they haven't exactly met but one day they will.

Suggested If: you like stories with Lashton, Larry, and/or Malum

My Review: The plot is okay, but it jumps around a lot and honestly there's nothing really interesting happening. And I honestly feel like the story is focused more on Lashton and Larry (ew) more than it is Lily and Niall. You just seem to add a swamp of unnecessary characters and couples in the story that you don't need so it's hard to keep up with. Your chapter lengths are kinda short, but your grammar and spelling is pretty decent. Overall, the story is okay, but it's kinda boring tbh.

Note to Author: Your story was one that I didn't see a request for until 36886323479842 years later and the story you originally requested seems to be deleted, so I reviewed this one instead.

Rating (1-5): 2.5, maybe 3

Other Note: I'd also edit the summary. It's kinda choppy and you use unnecessary capitalization

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