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"Open your eyes." I say to him as I finish his eye makeup.

I went to put the products away and he sits in the chair not moving. I caught a glance of him turning his head towards me.

"Thank you." I flick my wrist in a sign of saying "no problem".

He got up and went to the table full of food. He stuffs his mouth. 

"Really? I just did your makeup."

He gives me a big smile as he tells me sorry. 


Many scenes were filmed. Not only me but other stylist were waiting for touch ups. Jeongin comes down the stairs and I rush to him to wipe off the sweat. I go in my bag to pull out powder foundation. I pat his face viciously to cover up the blemishes. 

He grabs onto my wrist. When I looked at him in shock, he didn't remove his grip from my wrist, nor did I move my hand.

"Do you want to go do something with me?"

"Off the clock?"

"Yes, off the clock. Just you and me, hanging out."

"Sounds fun, so why not."


"YES!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. I paused and looked around. Everyone was staring at me. "Sorry, Sorry." I repeated as I gave a bow. 

"You're really good."

"You're not too bad yourself." I say as his bowling ball goes in the gutter. 

He turns around smiling as he held his hand behind his head. 


I fall to the ground as I laughed at the ironic moment.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, that was just too funny."

"You're not hurt?"

"No, but you're about to be once I beat you this round and the next."

"You're so pretty when you're competitive."

"I'll keep being competitive if that means you'll continue to complement me."

"No, that's not the only time that you are. I just don't say anything."


"I have something being sent to your home." I told Jeongin has I did his eye makeup.

"What is it?"

"It's for you. Your collection."

"My shoe collection."

"Yes, I'm hoping you don't already have them."


 I start singing "Love Battery".

"Hug me once more, hug me so hard I explode."

"I must be out of love medicine, I need you!" Jeongin repeats to me.

"Let's battle."

We start singing the song back and forth between each other. He'll start a new song and I have to guess what song it was by singing the rest of the lyrics. We go on as we start picking up the house.

In one hand, I held the duster and, in his hand, was the broom. We stopped cleaning and sang our hearts out to ballads and trot music. I stood on the counter, falling to my knees. Jeongin leaning back using the broom as a microphone. 

We were breaking sound records with how high we're hitting the notes. I closed eyes as I grab onto my clothes. We were acting out hardcore. 

The front door opened and Minho, Hyunjin, and Seungmin walked in. They had a look of disbelief on their faces. Jeongin and I turned and looked at each other. I got off the counter and straighten myself. 

"What are you doing?" Seungmin asked.

"Pabo." Hyunjin added.

Minho walks past us, then stops and stared at us. 

"Let's go." Jeongin says.

I nodded as I grab my jacket.


It's late and stopped at a place to eat. It's an open karaoke bar. I watched him fix his hair as we waited for the food. When the food arrives, he devoured it quickly. I copied him and he noticed. He dipped his head when he realized, and I started laughing.

I got up to take the mic.

"This is for that boy right there." I start pointing. He covers his face as he waved to the crowd.

"We had already been singing but I dedicate this song is for you." I wink at him. I begin singing (insert any song; for me it would be "Because I Love You Boy" by Suzy, an English song would be "Single" by The Neighbourhood).

He gets up and walks to me once the song ends. The crowd starts gasping after finding out that he was I.N. of Stray Kids. Whispers started; phones were pulled out. He acknowledged the reaction and then said he was going to sing a song and after that, we'll be leaving.


We broke the internet. Well, not literally, it's a figure a speech. Anyway, we were the talk of the city. Well, technically I.N. was. My face was being slightly hidden. I mean I was in the background of the videos, but no one got when I was singing, just when he was singing. I still remained a makeup artist. I got to keep my job unless it became a problem, then I'm laid off. It shouldn't be a problem.


"Hear that."

"Hear what?"

"Lovely, you're so lovely."

He gives a flustered look. "Really?" He starts picking up my makeup palette. "Sit, let me cater to you."

He starts with wild colors to my eyes.

"Don't make me look crazy."

He starts laughing hysterically and then drops the palette. We both stopped. My mouth hangs open and he eyes widened. I picked it up and it's slightly damaged with powder on the ground. He had already started running. Then, I looked in the mirror. "I LOOK LIKE A PABO!" 



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